BNI-Batik Air Credit Card
The BNI Batik Air Credit Card is a co-brand Credit Card launched by BNI and PT. Batik Air Indonesia which presented in two Credit Card variants, namely BNI Batik Air Mastercard Platinum and BNI Batik Air Mastercard World. This Credit Card are using the Mastercard network as principal and can be using for transaction in Batik Air platform and also for the daily transactions needed.
Special Features For Your Personal Preferences
- Welcome Cashback
Enjoy cashback Rp 200.000,- after using the BNI Batik Air Credit Card on minimum spend Rp 1.000.000,- for transaction in Lion Air Group channel (website, ticketing office, mobile apps) within 3 months after card got approved.
- Upgrade Ticket To Business Class With Only Rp 1,-
- Enjoy the benefit to experience Batik Air business class with only Rp 1,- special for BNI Batik Air Mastercard World based on seat availability. Details rules and restriction can be access on following link
- Only valid for domestic flights.
- BNI Rewards Point (BRP) Loyalty Features
Enjoy the benefit of BNI Rewards Point (BRP) for your BNI Batik Air Credit Card transactions :
- 3x BRP for every transactions in Lion Group’s platform for BNI Batik Air Mastercard World.
- 2x BRP for every transactions in Lion Group’s platform for BNI Batik Air Mastercard Platinum.
- Dedicated Check In Counter
Get the benefit of hustle free while check in process at dedicated airport for BNI Batik Air Credit Card holder
- Free Extra Baggage
- Enjoy the benefit of 10 Kg excess baggage for BNI Batik Air Mastercard World.
- Enjoy the benefit of 5 Kg excess baggage for BNI Batik Air Mastercard Platinum.
- Only valid for domestic flights.
- Free 2 Years Of Annual Fee
Enjoy the benefit of free annual fee for 2 years, without any condition for the 1st year.
- Persyaratan Umum
Penghasilan minimum setahun*
Rp 60 juta (Platinum) dan Rp 120 juta (World)
Usia minimum pemegang kartu utama
21 tahun
Usia minimum pemegang kartu tambahan
17 tahun
Usia maksimum**
65 tahun
Bank berhak menyetujui/menolak jenis kartu yang dipilih/diinginkan oleh pemohon kartu Kredit BNI berdasarkan informasi penghasilan pemohon Kartu Kredit BNI.
Berlaku untuk pemegang kartu utama dan kartu tambahan.
- Persyaratan Dokumen
Dokumen yang diperlukan
Dokter/Profesional lainnya
Fotokopi KTP/Paspor
Bukti Penghasilan*
Fotokopi Akte Pendirian/SIUP/TDP
Surat Ijin Profesi
Slip gaji atau surat keterangan penghasilan atau surat bukti Setoran Pajak Tahunan (SPT), fotokopi NPWP wajib dilampirkan.