
BNI to Maximize Optimization of KUR Distribution in NTB

BNI Maksimalkan NTB Optimalisasi Penyaluran KUR

BNI to Maximize Optimization of KUR Distribution in NTB

Central Lombok, February 9, 2016 - PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or BNI is committed to encouraging optimized distribution of Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) to businesses in Indonesia. In conjunction with National Press Day celebrated in Lombok February 9, 2016, BNI signed an agreement with the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (KUKM) to distribute KUR to KUKM Ministry entrepreneurship training program alumni.

Qualifying participants will receive KUR facilities from BNI and two additional state KUR distributor banks. For National Press Day celebration, Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs collaborates with PWI to organize an Entrepreneurship Training program that is open to the press, retired officers and their families, Bank debtor, and the general public. Media support in spreading information on BNI KUR is the catalyst for BNI KUR distribution to small-scale businesses, including information about KUR mild interest rate of 9% per year, easy terms, and quick application process.

BNI KUR event in NTB and surrounding area is directed by the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Anak Agung Gede Ngurah Puspayoga and BNI President Director Achmad Baiquni in Special Economic Zone Mandalika Resort, NTB, on Tuesday (February 9, 2016), and witnessed by Indonesian President Joko Widodo and several RI Cabinet Ministers.

Achmad Baiquni revealed that BNI is optimistic about KUR increase in 2016, accompanied by improved interest rates for debtor at 9%. The short KUR distribution experience in 2015 became the model for KUR BNI accelerated capital distribution in 2016.

In 2015, BNI disbursed more than Rp 3 trillion worth of KUR from August-December 2015, a more than 70% increase compared to KUR distribution in 2014. In 2015, BNI provided KUR to more than 12,000 debtors, valued at more than Rp 3 trillion. Distributed KUR has reached all regions in Indonesia.

KUR Micro BNI distribution since January 2016 to February 4, 2016 has reached nearly 150 debtors, while KUR Retail have reached 2,213 debtors.Additionally, KUR TKI has reached 124 debtors, bringing the distribution total to almost 2,500 borrowers in less than two months. Total KUR BNI channeled is currently more than Rp 500 billion.

NTB KUR distribution, managed by BNI Regional Office in Denpasar, has totaled toRp 43 billion and distributed to nearly 200 KUR Micro, Retail KUR, and KUR TKI debtor. Meanwhile in Bali Nusra region, BNI has disbursed more than Rp 36 billion worth of KUR to more than 140 debtors.

KUR distribution in NTB mainly targets sectors that provide employment or productive sectors, such as creative industry, maritime and agriculture, as well as trade.

For further information, please contact :

Suhardi Petrus, BNI Corporate Secretary
Telp : 021-5728387, Email :


  1. BNI-Maksimalkan-NTB-Optimalisasi-Penyaluran-KUR.pdf 27/04/2017 07.48.25


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