
BNI Encourages Economic Improvement of the “Indonesian” Diaspora in America

BNI Encourages Economic Improvement of the “Indonesian” Diaspora in America

Jakarta, 19 April 2022 -- PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. or BNI (stock code : BBNI) proactively strengthens the "Indonesian" diaspora ecosystem in America in line with the recovery of economic performance in Uncle Sam's country. BNI is also seen as very flexible in providing flexible services so that it can respond to customer needs more quickly. Indonesian Ambassador to the United States Rosan Roeslani explained that trade between Indonesia and the United States is currently very significant, increasing by 36 percent to reach US$37 billion with a surplus of US$14.1 billion last year. In terms of investment, America has posted a 76% increase in investment to US$2.5 billion last year.

He continued that there are more than 200,000 “Indonesian” diaspora spread across all states in America. Of course, the needs for diaspora Banking products are very diverse, so innovative products and programs are needed. "We see this development as a potential for very good economic development going forward. We also see that the trend continues to be positive and profitable for many business actors in terms of trade and investment in Indonesia," he said.

Rosan did not deny that the growth in trade performance was the result of comprehensive support from BNI. Moreover, the BNI “New York” branch is able to have the ability to reach 200,000 “Indonesian” diaspora in America by forming an economic ecosystem. In fact, BNI is able to provide holistic attention and guidance to the “Indonesian in America” diaspora so as to help develop a more sustainable diaspora business. "We view that BNI has provided a very maximum service. BNI massively provides Banking services and other needs such as education which is also very much needed by the diaspora," he said.

Golden Nest Corporation’s founder, Jemmy Pranyoto also conveyed that BNI's support was very flexible in supporting its business development. Jemmy, who 10 years ago started his business career as an importer, has begun to be able to produce food on a large scale in America. "We also really appreciate BNI because its services are not only providing financing, but also making regular visits, mentoring, which means this is a full package," he added.

Optimizing America's “UnBankable Diaspora of Businesses” Segment

BNI New York's General Manager, Aidil Azhar said that many "Indonesian" diaspora are difficult to get Banking services in America because they are included in the "unBankable" category in America. However, BNI New York sees many "Indonesian" diaspora that have very good business potential, so BNI took proactive actions in disbursing financing for both working capital and investment. “We are of course always ready to help the “Indonesian” diaspora in America. We see a lot of diaspora who are very ordinary and fall into the category of "unBankable" but have very good potential," he said.

In addition to financing, Aidil continued, BNI New York also has trade finance products that are able to help smooth exports and imports of Indonesian and American products. "Besides that, we also help" open a rupiah account in "Indonesia without having to come to Indonesia" to facilitate business players in America who have close business relations in Indonesia," he added.


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