
BNI Kembali Boyong Nasabah ke Stamford Bridge

London, 23 Maret 2014. PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk atau BNI memberikan apresiasi maksimal terhadap kesetiaan para nasabahnya yang terus menggunakan produk BNI dalam setiap transaksinya, termasuk para pengguna kartu co branding BNI dan klub sepak bola kenamaan asal Inggris, Chelsea Football Club (FC). Para nasabah yang terpilih melalui pengundian yang sah berhak mendapatkan kesempatan untuk menyaksikan Pertandingan Besar antara pemilik klasemen I dan II Liga Primer Inggris, Chelsea FC melawan Arsenal FC di Stadion Stamford Bridge, London, Sabtu, 22 Maret 2014.

Program apresiasi loyalitas nasabah BNI itu dinamakan program BNI Goes to Stamford Brigde. Program tersebut berlangsung sejak 1 Oktober 2013 - 31 Januari 2014. Program serupa akan kembali diselenggarakan pada tahun 2016.

Pada kesempatan bertemu dengan para nasabah saat Stadium Tour di Stadion Stamford Bridge, stadion milik Chelsea FC, London, Inggris, Sabtu (22/3/2014), Direktur Utama BNI Gatot M Suwondo mengungkapkan, program BNI Goes to Stamford Bridge juga merupakan bagian dari kontribusi BNI pada upaya meningkatkan kualitas sepak bola di Indonesia.

Pemegang kartu yang layak mendapatkan kesempatan dalam pengundian hadiah program BNI Goes to Stamford Brigde ini adalah yang tercatat berbelanja pada jumlah yang sesuai dengan persyaratan BNI. Ada 16 pemenang undian yang berhak mendapatkan hadiah utama tersebut.

Ke-16 nasabah tersebut lolos pada pengundian yang dilaksanakan pada hari Jumat, 21 Februari 2014, di Lantai 32 Kantor Pusat BNI, Jakarta dengan disaksikan oleh manajemen BNI, pejabat kementerian sosial, notaris, perwakilan Master Card, serta perwakilan anggota Chelsea Indonesia Supporter Club (CISC).

Ke-16 pemegang kartu co-branding BNI-Chelsea FC itu menyisihkan 6.215 pemegang kartu Debit co-branding BNI-Chelsea FC dan 1.343 pemegang kartu Kredit co-branding BNI-Chelsea FC yang berhak mengikuti undian ini. Salah satu syarat pemilik kartu Debit dan kartu Kredit yang berhak diikutkan dalam undian adalah nasabah yang berbelanja pada periode 1 Oktober 2013 ? 31 Januari 2014, dan dimana setiap pembelanjaan sebesar Rp 2.500 berhak memperoleh satu poin undian. Pada pengundian yang telah dilaksanakan, terkumpul lebih dari 34.000.000 poin yang berhak mengikuti undian.

"Itu semua kami lakukan sebagai bagian dari komitmen BNI dalam membangun bisnis kartu co-branding dengan Chelsea FC hingga tahun 2016," tutur Gatot.

Bagi BNI, apresiasi maksimal pada para nasabah setia ini sangat layak diberikan karena penerbitan kartu co branding BNI-Chelsea FC menunjukkan perkembangan yang signifikan. Hingga akhir Desember 2013, telah lebih dari 175.000 kartu co branding BNI-Chelsea FC yang telah diterbitkan, yang terdiri atas 141.355 kartu Debit dan 33.861 kartu Kredit (year on year/ YoY).

Kartu tersebut digunakan untuk lebih dari 320.000 transaksi, yang terdiri atas 130.178 transaksi kartu Debit atau tumbuh 494% diatas Desember 2012 dan 276.598 transaksi untuk kartu Kredit atau melonjak 1.877% dibandingkan Desember 2012. Nilai transaksinya mencapai Rp 54,07 miliar untuk kartu Debit co branding BNI-Chelsea FC atau tumbuh 536% diatas nilai transaksi pada Desember 2012 dan Rp 272,35 miliar untuk nilai transaksi kartu kredit co branding BNI-Chelsea FC atau meningkat 1.955% di atas Desember 2012.

"Dengan catatan pertumbuhan yang luar biasa itu, BNI mendapatkan anugerah Kartu Co-branding dengan Pertumbuhan Tercepat untuk produk BNI-Chelsea Payment Cards dalam Apresiasi ReBi ke-10 tahun 2013. Yang terpenting, masih ada peluang bagi pemegang kartu co branding BNI-Chelsea FC untuk mendapatkan kesempatan menjadi pemenang BNI Goes To Stamford Bridge," ujar Gatot.

Untuk memaksimalkan apresiasi terhadap para pemenang program BNI Goes To Stamford Bridge tersebut BNI juga mengajak para nasabah untuk mengunjungi Kantor BNI Cabang London di kawasan King Street, London. Hal ini merupakan pengalaman langka karena BNI, satu-satunya bank nasional Indonesia, yang masih bertahan menjalankan bisnis perbankan untuk kawasan Eropa, Timur Tengah, dan Afrika.

Redesain Kartu Chelesa

Jakarta, October 27th 2013 - PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. or BNI will continue its BNI Goes to Stamford Bridge program for the year of 2014. Active cardholders of the BNI-Chelsea FC co-branded cards will get the opportunity to be treated to a tour of London as well as watch a Premier League match between Chelsea FC and Arsenal at Chelsea FC’s home ground, Stamford Bridge.

The program’s continuation was announced to the public during the launch of the new BNI-Chelsea FC special edition payment card designs held in Jakarta on Sunday, October 27th 2013. At the same event, BNI also promoted the many benefits and privileges of being a BNI-Chelsea FC cardholder.

“This event is held in accordance with BNI’s efforts to increase the number of BNI-Chelsea FC cardholders and as a means of campaigning the BNI Goes to Stamford Bridge program,” said the Head of BNI’s Credit Card Business Division, Dodit Wiweko Probodjakti.

BNI customers and football fans have the opportunity to benefit from the many offers related to Chelsea FC, such as signed pennants, original and signed jerseys, as well as tickets to watch a Chelsea FC match at Stamford Bridge in London including free flights and accommodation.

Pampering Customers

There are five on-going promotions created specially for BNI-Chelsea FC cardholders:

BNI Goes to Stamford Bridge, Apply & Win, Top Spender, and Special Shopping Discount. Further details are as follows :

  1. BNI Goes to Stamford Bridge (October 2013 – January 2014)

    All BNI-Chelsea FC Credit and Debit Cardholders who use their cards* will be entered into a lucky draw to win a chance to watch a live Chelsea FC match at Stamford Bridge.

    BNI-Chelsea FC Credit Cardholders are eligible to win the following prizes :

    • Tickets to watch Chelsea FC live at Stamford Bridge in London, including flights and accommodation for 6 winners (1 ticket each)

    • Signed Jerseys for 2 winners (1 piece each)

    • Signed Pennants for 2 winners (1 piece each)

    Lucky Draw Mechanism :

    • Each retail transaction of IDR 2.500 will get 1 point (valid for multiples)

    • For new cardholders, each initial transaction worth a minimum of IDR 1 million will get 1000 points

    • Points will be generated at the end of the transactional period to be used for drawing purposes.

    • Winners will be drawn in February 2014

    • Winners will be contacted within three days of the drawing

    • Terms and conditions apply

    BNI-Chelsea FC Debit Cardholders are eligible to win the following prizes :

    • Tickets to watch Chelsea FC live at Stamford Bridge in London, including flights and accommodation for 12 winners (1 ticket each)

    • Signed Jerseys for 5 winners (1 piece each)

    • Signed Pennants for 5 winners (1 piece each)

    Lucky Draw Mechanism :

    • Each retail transaction of IDR 2.500 will get 1 point (valid for multiples)

    • Each IDR 25.000 of retained balance will get 1 point

    • Points will be generated at the end of the transactional period to be used for drawing purposes

    • Winners will be drawn in February 2014

    • Winners will be contacted within three days of the drawing

    • Terms and conditions apply

  2. Apply & Win Original Chelsea FC Merchandise (October 2013 – January 2014)

    Each new BNI-Chelsea FC Credit and Debit Card issued during the promotional period will stand a chance to win Signed and Unsigned Jerseys and Signed Pennants. Winners will be drawn in February 2014.

    The prizes available for new BNI-Chelsea FC Credit Cardholder applicants are :

    • Signed Jerseys for 2 winners (1 piece each)

    • Unsiged Jersey for 2 winners (1 piece each)

    • Signed Pennant for 1 winner

    The prizes available for new BNI-Chelsea FC Debit Cardholder applicants are :

    • Signed Jerseys for 2 winners (1 piece each)

    • Unsiged Jersey for 2 winners (1 piece each)

    • igned Pennant for 2 winners (1 piece each)

  3. Top Spender (October 2013 – January 2014)

    BNI-Chelsea FC Credit Cardholders with the highest transactions amounts for each month during the promotion period will get :

    • A Signed Pennant and Smartphone (for the highest spender, 1 winner a month)

    • A Unsigned Jersey (for the second highest spender, 1 winner a month)

    BNI-Chelsea FC Debit Cardholders with the highest transactions amounts for each month during the promotion period will get :

    • A Signed Pennant (for top and second highest spenders, 2 winners a month)

    • A Unsigned Jersey (for the third, fourth and fifth highest spenders, 3 winners a month)

  4. Special Shopping Discount (October 2013 onwards)

    All BNI-Chelsea FC Credit and Debit Cardholders will receive a 10% discount on the Official Chelsea FC Online Megastore ( plus a cashback of 5% from BNI.


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