
BNI Expand RKB Up to Forshore dan Outback

BNI Expand RKB Up to Forshore dan Outback

Tual, 20 January 2018 ---Director of Medium Business of PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbkor BNI, PutramaWahjuSetyawanvisited BNI outlet in Kota Tual, Maluku. The visit was along with inauguration of business training center or more known with the name RumahKreatif BUMN (RKB) and the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activity for worship house construction.

The visit is the form of  BNIcommitment to provide the best for society in the event of banking service and social responsibility. The visit of BNI’s Board of Director to Tualon Saturday (20 January 2018) is also a part of the visit program of corporate leader to outlets in outback areas.

Putramaexplained, RumahKreatif BUMN is a collaboration of State-Owned Enterprises  (BUMN) in encouraging economic growth through development in order to increase capacity and capability of Small and Medium Business (UKM). Through the function as information, education and digitization development center, RumahKreatif BUMN is expected able to produce qualified Small and Medium Businesses.

This far, State Owned Enterprises  (BUMN) have constructed 200 RumahKreatif BUMN (RKB) where 44 among them were constructed by BNI and either one is located in Southeast Maluku.

"Not only to produce qualified UKM that has competitiveness, RKB also has purpose to increase literation of UKM business players to digital world so that the products can be marketed through internet, one of them through portal," saidPutrama.

To improve its support to UKM, BNI has distributed Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) to 2,093 debtors in Makassar Area and 162 debtors in Maluku Area along 2017. BNI also supports tourism business in HoatTamngil, OhoiRumadianby providing tourism transportation.

The Regent of Southeast Maluku, AnderiasRentanubunconveyed that the presence of RKB is expected to be able to increase UMKM quality, particularly in Southeast Maluku area. RKB also indirectly supports tourism sector in this area.

"We are expecting BNI or banking to support tourism development and investor to invest in Southeast Maluku by giving credit that support tourism, for example hotel or homestay," he said.


Worship Facility

In addition to distribute support for the economic progress, BNI also participates in constructing mosques as society’s worship facility and Social Aid of Program KeluargaHarapan (PKH). BNI has constructed many mosques throughout corners of Indonesia and one of them is Al-Fatah LaratFiditan Mosque in Tual City. TheSocial Aid of Program KeluargaHarapandistributed through BNI Branch Office isgiven to 2,712 families on the first phase and to 1,506 families on the second phase or in the 4th week in January.

The inauguration of RKB, submission of CSR to Al-Fatah LaratFiditan Mosque in Tual City andHoatTamngil tourism, as well as provision of Social Aid of PKH were conducted symbolically by PutramaWahjuSetyawanand representatives of beneficiaries.


For more information, please contact:

Kiryanto, Corporate Secretary BNI

Phone : 021-5728387, Email:


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