
BNI Customers in 7 Provinces Can Pay PKB Online

Jakarta, 9 November 2017 – PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbkor BNI provides new service for approximately 15.5 million of its customers in 7 provinces in  Indonesia, namely to pay motor vehicle tax (PKB) through Samsat Online which not can be applied nationally. The service can be accessed by ATM BNI machine can be utilized by customers and public in seven regions namely West Java, Central Java, East Java, DKI Jakarta, DI Yogyakarta, Bali, andBanten. This service area will continue to be developed until all BNI customers and other public society in Indonesia can enjoy the same service.

That service can be used after the Police Department of the Republic of Indonesia (Polri) in this case is Traffic Corps (Korlantas) Polri launched National Samsat Online in Ancol area, Jakarta, Thursday (9 November 2017). Present in that occasion were The Police Chief of the Republic of Indonesia, General Policy Tito Karnavian, the Head of Traffic Corps (Kakorlantas) Inspector General Police, RoykeLumowa, as well as SVP of Institutional Relation Division of BNI, ShadiqAkasya. This step is a follow up action of the Signing of Memorandum of Understanding regarding National Samsat Online between BNI and Traffic Corps (Korlantas)Polriwhich has been executed in Jakarta, 7 September 2017.

By the launching of the National Samsat Online, society or taxpayers can make payment of their motor vehicle tax through BNI channel. For now payment can be done through ATM channel and within the near time will be developed through mobile banking and internet banking channels.

The Corporate Secretary of BNI,Kiryantosaid, “BNI E-Samsat” is an innovation of motor vehicle tax payment service through BNI channel. By this service, Samsat public service improvement will be actualized, starting from registration, stipulation, and payment of Motor Vehicle Tax (PKB), Donation of Mandatory Road Traffic Accident Fund (SWDKLLJ), up to Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) of Legalization of Motor Vehicle Identification Number (STNK).

“The E-Samsatsystem we developing provides ease for motor vehicle taxpayers in paying tax. It is just by using the facility provided by BNI where taxpayers can pay their annual PKB in all ATM & BNI channels. Payment receipt from ATM will be the official evidence that a vehicle taxpayer has paid  PKB. Ataxpayer can visit a localSamsatOffice to make STNK legalization,” he said.

With various eases prepared by BNI through those service products of BNI E-Samsat, the synergy of BNI and Polri, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Regional Government, and PT JasaRaharja (Persero) will provide more benefits for all parties and society of vehicle owners. By the launching ofNational Samsat Online,Samsatservice is entering a new era, namely public service modernization for the realization of easier, faster, more transparent, and more accountable service. The condition is expected can minimize illegal fees of brokering practices.

To use this BNI E-Samsat service, a taxpayer just has to access  “National Samsat Online” application on cell phone and inputting Data of Motor Vehicle Registration Number (NRKB), Main Population Number (NIK), 5 last digits of motor vehicle frame number, as well as phone or cell phone number. After being verified by Regional Police server (Polda), then taxpayer will obtain billing code (payment code). Thereafter, Taxpayer can make payment based on the billing code inATM BNI channel and then obtains payment receipt. After obtaining payment receipt in ATM, taxpayer makes STNK legalization through all Samsat Joint Office service centers in the respective Polda jurisdiction. .     

“This is also a concrete form of BNI commitment as banking partner of Polri, Central Government, up to Regional Government in supporting government program to provide ease of service to society with online tax system,” closed Kiryanto.


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