
This is How SOEs Bank Suppressing the Corona Impact

Jakarta, 6 March 2020 --- Corona virus, which was identified at the end of 2019, has claimed lives and spread to several countries. The spread of the virus has the potential to affect economic activities through the potential decline in trade, tourism and several related sectors, including financial sector. The Government of Indonesia have prepared to put a halt to the negative impact on the domestic economy. Even state-owned enterprises (SOEs) do not remain silent, where each company prepares contributions according to their respective capacities.

Just look at PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or BNI which since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak has spread concrete steps, ranging from distributing masks for free to Indonesian citizens (Indonesians) who work in countries affected by the plague. Until early 9 February 2020, BNI together with other SOEs (Garuda Indonesia, RNI, Bank Mandiri, Bank BTN, and BNI Life) have sent 161,000 masks to Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan.

As for the intermediation function of Himbara banks, they are completing a Stress Test to measure the magnitude of the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on various industries. This measure is needed to look for opportunities that are actually open as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. Did not rule out the possibility that these state-owned banks could expand in the economy sectors that were not affected by the plague. The sectors that have experienced the effects of Covid-19 include manufacturing, tourism, commodities, pharmaceuticals/health and transportation.

"We are also reviewing the policies released by the government, Bank Indonesia (BI) and the Financial Services Authority (OJK)," explained the Vice President Director of BNI, Anggoro Eko Cahyo in Jakarta, Friday (6 March 2020).

In the meantime, Bank Mandiri applies specific protocol to prevent the spread of the Corona virus (Covid-19) within Currently, the protocol has been socialized at various points of information at the company’s main office or branch offices throughout Indonesia.

The Corporate Secretary of Bank Mandiri, Rully Setiawan explained the preparation of the protocol was carried out by the Business Continuity Management (BCM) unit in the initial period of the outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic in the world, with an increasingly reinforced socialization process after a government statement confirming the presence of Covid-19 infected patients in Indonesia.

"The preparation of this protocol cannot be separated from the overall analysis of the impact of the spread of the Covid-19 virus, including the company's business and operations. We also make sure to implement it carefully so as not to disturb the comfort of customers, guests and employees," said Rully.


New Opportunity

The efforts to open up new opportunities are also carried out through real activities by state-owned banks. As was done by BNI, which invited 30 micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) as BNI fostered partners to Jakarta, on 2-3 March 2020. The MSMEs operators who come from various cities in Indonesia were given training related to the latest updates on the industry in the world, opportunities that are still open, and how to improve the product to suit the interests of the international market. The presenter was brought directly from New York, in cooperation with BNI and the Indonesian Consulate General in New York. The MSMEs operators were also curated to be chosen as representatives in the New York Now Exhibition in the United States later.

Likewise, with Bank BTN which is increasingly massive in cooperation with various partners to make the housing ecosystem continue to run well. The bank, which focuses on the housing loan segment, has just launched a BTN Solusi product that offers single-digit interest with bundling payroll. "Previously we also has HFC [Housing Finance Center] program in cooperation with SBM ITB and UGM in preparing training of Mini MBA level training in property that produces young entrepreneurs in the property sector to open new housing businesses that pay attention to various aspects for business sustainability," explained the President Director of Bank BTN, Pahala N. Mansury.

There are already around 5,000 young entrepreneurs who are ready to play the role of young entrepreneurs in the property sector supporting the government in the million homes program, said Pahala.

For Bank BTN, with the stimulus in the housing sector from the government will also increasingly make the housing business also continue to run. This will provide an opportunity for people who do not have a home then they have the opportunity to have a home. "Moreover, the housing sector has a multiplier effect of more than 171 other industries, so we see the economic value generated will multiply and is expected to help sustain the national economic sustainability," said Pahala.


Healthy Lifestyle

In addition to these external efforts, Himbara banks also have programs that continue to be cultivated internally to maintain the health of their employees, while preventing the spread of the Corona virus.

BNI develops the Healthy Lifestyle for Hi-Movers Program in 2020. In the program, BNI made it clear to all employees to follow the General Preventive measures with the aim of maintaining health, as well as Preventive measures that were specifically undertaken to protect themselves from the COVID-19 Outbreak.

The preventive measures in general, among others, requires employees and their families to improve health conditions by paying attention to personal hygiene; eat healthy, clean and nutritious food; and taking multivitamin and supported by regular exercise. Requires the use of masks for sick employees in the office environment. And provides influenza vaccine for employees.

As for the Special Preventive measures arranged to deal with the COVID-19 outbreak, BNI stressed that employees and nuclear families avoid traveling to locations classified as COVID-19 affected countries, both in terms of official and personal interests. The list of countries to avoid, adjusts to the official list from the Ministry of Health.

If it is unavoidable from having to travel to the COVID-19 outbreak affected country, employees are required to protect themselves as well as possible by maintaining health and using masks properly and correctly.  The employees returning from the COVID-19 outbreak affected country should be checked by any of the government-appointed hospitals, to obtain a health certificate before returning to office.

BNI also optimizes the cleaning of work spaces and their supporting facilities using disinfectant. BNI provides hand sanitizer to wash hands at many points, so as to ease employees to clean their hands. BNI also provides body temperature measuring device and is used to check every employee or guest who enters the main lobby of the Building.

Special for employees from overseas branch offices or employees who are studying in the outbreak affected countries are required to use masks when travelling to public places and limit to go out of home if it is not urgent.

“Currently, BRI has applied Thermo-screening procedure and the use of hand sanitizer for the visitors of Bank BRI Head Office in Jakarta by locating several Infrared Thermo-thermal which can detect BRI’s visitors’ and customers’ body temperature. This application is a preventive measure to limit the space for virus transmission in BRI work area," said Amam Sukriyanto.

Amam also added, that Bank BRI applies ten recommendations of Gerakan Masyarakat Sehat (GERMAS) among others, eating with balanced nutrition, exercising diligently, washing hands with soap, keeping the environment clean. In addition, which are suggestion to not smoke, use mask when coughing or cover your mouth with your inside upper arm, eat perfectly cooked food & do not eat meat from animals that have the potential to transmit, if you get fever and shortness of breath, immediately visit a health facility, don't forget to pray, and drink 8 glasses of mineral water / day. As well as, to visit the nearby clinic or health facility center if you experience symptoms of pain. These Germas's recommendations have been disseminated to all BRI Work Units.


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