
Sharing During Ramadan, BNI Distributes 125,000 Packages Throughout Indonesia

Sharing During Ramadan, BNI Distributes 125,000 Packages Throughout Indonesia

Jakarta, 1 May 2020 --- The holy month Ramadan 1441 Hijri is perceived more special as at the same time Muslims undergo fasting, patience is also tested in facing COVID-19. That condition makes the holy month this time a very valuable momentum for all parties to share and care for the surrounding people who are experiencing health or economic difficulties in order to get unlimited blessings.

BNI took the initiative to hold a BNI Berbagi program to help disadvantaged people affected by COVID-19 outbreak. BNI Berbagi is held simultaneously throughout the fasting month all over Indonesia with the spirit of Ramadan for Indonesia. The main activities are Distribution of Food Packages, Distribution of Takjil, and Orphanage Support.

“In each distribution of support, we remain apply the physical distancing protocol, by arranging that the distance of the support recipients is maintained from each other, to suppress the spread of COVID-19,” said the Human Capital and Compliance Director of BNI, Bob Tyasika Ananta in Jakarta, Friday, 1 May 2020.

In the Food Package Distribution program, BNI provides around 125,000 packages of sembako — nine basic necessities — which are distributed in at least 255 locations in 17 operational areas throughout Indonesia. The food packages were also distributed to daily workers who experience a decrease in income due to COVID-19.


Strengthening Each Other

Takjil Distribution Program also held in all BNI operational areas. This program seeks to help small and medium business operators (SMEs) around BNI service offices so that their businesses continue to survive. The snacks for breaking the fast distributed by BNI are purchased from SMEs, so it is expected to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 to their businesses. Takjil distribution is also carried out with a voucher system and queue distance regulation, according to the physical distancing protocol. Until the end of Ramadan, about 17,000 takjil packages will be prepared.

BNI also tries to share blessings with orphans through the Orphanage Assistance. The program is implemented in four BNI operational areas in Jakarta and is prepared to reach orphans in around 100 orphanages.

“The programs we carry out has different characteristics, with the hope of being able to touch various elements of society affected by COVID-19. This is a difficult time faced by many people. A helping hand in any form will be very meaningful," said Bob. 


For more information, please contact:

Corporate Secretary BNI

Phone: 021-5728387



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