
SOEs and Task Force Multiply Swab Test

Jakarta, 14 June 2020 --- State-Owned Enterprises(SOEs) continue to support the National Task Force of Covid-19 Handling in unifying the forces to curb the spread of the virus outbreak in Indonesia. SOEs as one of the forces in Pentahelix's circle do not stop sharpening efforts to curb the spread of Covid-19 in various ways, one of which is conducting free Swab Tests in areas exposed to plague which are quite high in Indonesia.

This time, PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BNI) together with the National Task Force held free Swab Test in Padang and Bukittinggi, West Sumatera, last week end. This is a form of joint efforts in fighting Covid-19 outbreak in Indonesia, from various parties namely the power of government, the power of community/society, the power of academics, the power of  business world, and the power of business world including SOEs such as BNI.

"Detaining the distribution of Covid-19 is not just the duty and responsibility of doctors and paramedics, all parties play important roles in it. On that basis BNI continues to run all efforts that can be made to suppress this outbreak. Including to carrying out 30,000 Swab Tests in various regions in Indonesia that are still exposed to Covid-19 outbreak," said Arya Sinulingga, the Special Staff of Minister of SOEs in Jakarta, Sunday (14 June 2020).

Previously, BNI successfully held mass Swab Test in Jakarta on 20-21 May 2020, in Padang on 2 June 2020, and at the Secretariat of Sriwijaya University - Palembang on 7 June 2020, then it was the turn of Palembang people at Jakabaring Stadium, Sunday-Monday (7-8 June 2020). This step is part of the program to create a BUMN that is free from Corona Virus, #CovidsafeBUMN and is part of BNI Program that provides 30,000 Free Swab Tests for people throughout Indonesia with the support of SOEs Hospitals, Bunda Hospital Jakarta and JSK Group networks.

The implementation of the free swab was accompanied by Epidemiological monitoring and case follow-up in collaboration with various local regional hospitals and the results were reported to the City or Regency Health Offices. This was a very important part in increasing the speed of handling Corona positive cases.

With this experience BNI cooperated with SOEs Hospitals and Bunda Hospital to distribute swab sampling in several regions in Indonesia, which was expected to accelerate the termination of the spread chain and to accelerate the productivity recovery or towards new normal.


For more information, please contact:

Corporate Secretary BNI

Phone: 021-5728387



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