
BNI Stores Palm Oil Export Fees

BNI Tampung Setoran Pungutan Ekspor Sawit

BNI Stores Palm Oil Export Fees

Jakarta, 27 January 2016 - PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BNI) was endowed with the trust to store and manage export fees from palm oil and its product variants by Palm Oil Fund Management Association (BPDPKS). Palm oil fees collected by BNI since the establishment of BPDPKS in July 2015 until the end of December 2015 has reached Rp 1.2 trillion.

BNI’s support for palm oil fund management is also shown through its contribution at the Indonesian National Palm Oil Gathering 2016, hosted by BPDPKS at Gedung Dhanapala Jakarta, Wednesday (27 January 2016).

BNI Corporate Secretary Suhardi Petrus explained that palm oil product exporters have expressed high interest in storing palm oil export fees at BNI due to various facilities offered by BNI. The facilities include, among others, transforming manual payment process to electronic or e-payment BNI, integrated real time into BPDPKS system. Through the e-payment BNI mechanism, exporters will have an easier access to palm oil fee payment at more than 1.800 BNI branch offices in Indonesia. Exporters can also enjoy easy transactions through BNI Direct.

“Additionally, the electronic payment process will help exporters conduct faster and more accurate transactions. BNI provides a special service in the form of free consultation by Trade Finance Officer, available all across Indonesia to help offer solutions regarding to export transactions. Furthermore, BNI extends its services to include export document delivery, a centralized service using Export Bill Collection Services (EBCS) in collaboration with internationally-renowned courier service,” Petrus added.

Palm Oil Fund Management is part of a continuous Palm Oil Development Program, an extension of Presidential Edict No. 61 in 2015 regarding the Collection and Use of Palm Oil Production Funds. In addition to supporting sustainable palm oil development, the presidential edict also marks the accelerated process to switch to bio fuels and biodiesel, and reflects government commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emission.

Palm oil funds can be allocated towards rehabilitation of public palm oil plantations, research and development, product promotions, construction of infrastructure and equipment, as well as human resource development in the industry. The funds mainly come from palm oil export fees, whose value is determined in US dollar, but stored in Rupiah at the appointed managing banks, including BNI.

For more information, please contact :

SuhardiPetrus, Corporate Secretary BNI
Telp : 021-5728387, Email :


  1. BNI-Tampung-Setoran-Pungutan-Ekspor-Sawit.pdf 27/04/2017 07.48.24


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