
BNI Prepares Beyond Banking Services for 8 Million Indonesian Diaspora

BNI Prepares Beyond Banking Services for 8 Million Indonesian Diaspora

Jakarta, 19 February 2022 -- PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk or BNI continues to bridge the interests of Indonesia and the world. One of the main stakeholders in BNI's international business ecosystem is the diaspora, which is currently estimated to reach 8 million people spread throughout the world. With this strength, the diaspora can be one of the key factors in helping Indonesia bounce back from the pandemic and heal the economic wounds (scarring effect) caused by the Covid-19 outbreak.

Therefore, the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), Erick Thohir emphasized the need for national Banks to provide support to the diaspora. On that basis, the Minister of SOEs appointed BNI to continue to increase its focus on international business expansion.

"Collaboration of the diaspora with national Banks is an effort to continue to create many investment opportunities abroad, increase the potential for new jobs for the Indonesian people, encourage domestic MSMEs to go global, as well as attract a lot of potential investment from abroad," said Erick Thohir in front of hundreds of diaspora virtually in an Online Gathering with Indonesian Diaspora Representatives, Saturday (19/2/2022).

On that occasion, Erick chatted with representatives of the diaspora spread across five cities, where there are BNI Foreign Branch Offices (KCLN), namely Seoul, Tokyo, Hong Kong, New York, London, and Singapore. Also present on the occasion was the President Director of BNI Royke Tumilaar.

Diaspora Ecosystem

Royke said that BNI has an interest in connecting the diaspora ecosystem with various efforts, one of which is by providing a reliable digital platform for various diaspora Banking service needs overseas. The platform concept itself is not limited to financial transaction services, but also needs that go beyond traditional Banking services.

Moreover, according to him, the diaspora community overseas is an extraordinary business niche in BNI's international business ecosystem, such as Banking services for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), global and regional multinational companies, Indonesian corporations and subsidiaries overseas, to financial institutions or investors.

"For this reason, we have also prepared a strategy for each of these stakeholders. For MSMEs, BNI has prepared a comprehensive solution, excelling in trade and exports with strong advisory support both domestically and internationally, with a concept we call BNI Xpora," he said.

Royke added that for multinational companies, BNI provides domestic networks and insights about the Indonesian market both related to regulations and business connections, market insights, and local transaction platforms. He believes that this multinational company is important to continue to be discussed because it is directly related to foreign direct investment (FDI), which in 2020 alone reached US$ 28.7 billion.

Meanwhile, for Indonesian corporations and subsidiaries overseas, BNI is ready to provide integrated cross-border Banking services and the best international solution provider among Indonesian Banks. This segment is also important to be invited to contribute in supporting Indonesia's economic growth because the number reaches 3,700 companies. "For Financial Institutions or investors, BNI is ready to provide complete solutions to explore attractive investment opportunities in Indonesia," added Royke.

At this event, the Minister of SOEs witnessed a series of BNI's support for the diaspora. The support provided includes the Indonesia Diaspora Network (IDN) Program Assistance in Hong Kong; Education Assistance for Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) in South Korea; First Indonesian Mosque Construction Assistance and Support for the Indonesian Student Association (PPI) in the UK for the UK Business Incubation Program; and Support for Promotion of Indonesian Products at Indonesian Food Vending Machines in Tokyo.

BNI is a state-owned Bank whose main focus is international business, with one of its tasks being to encourage the Indonesian diaspora to be able to further develop its wings and help showcasing Indonesian MSME products to the world. (*)


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