
Changes in the Company's Management Structure

Changes in the Company's Management Structure

Furthermore, the BNI Annual GMS approved changes to the Company's management. The Annual GMS approved the honorable dismissal of Susyanto as Commissioner of BNI. The Annual GMS approved the appointment of Mohamad Yusuf Permana as Commissioner.

The Annual GMS approved the honorable dismissal and reappointment of Askolani as Commissioner of BNI.

The Annual GMS approved the honorable dismissal of Adi Sulistyowati as Deputy President Director of BNI. The Annual GMS transferred the assignment of Putrama Wahju Setyawan as Deputy President Director of BNI from his previous position as BNI Director of Retail Banking.

The Annual GMS transferred Corina Leyla Karnalies' assignment as BNI Director of Retail Banking from her previous position as BNI Director of Digital & Integrated Transaction Banking.

The Annual GMS approved the appointment of Hussein Paolo Kartadjoemena as BNI Director of Digital & Integrated Transaction Banking. He previously served as BNI SEVP of Corporate Development & Transformation.

The Annual GMS approved the honorable dismissal of Silvano Winston Rumantir as BNI Director of Wholesale & International Banking. The Annual GMS approved the appointment of Agung Prabowo as BNI Director of Wholesale & International Banking. He previously served as President Director of BNI Sekuritas.

The Annual GMS approved the honorable dismissal of Muhammad Iqbal as BNI Director of Institutional Banking. The Annual GMS approved the appointment of Munadi Herlambang as BNI Director of Institutional Banking. He previously served as Director of Institutional Relations at Jasa Raharja.

The Annual GMS approved the honorable dismissal of Sis Apik Wijayanto as BNI Director of Enterprise & Commercial Banking. The Annual GMS approved the appointment of I Made Sukajaya as BNI Director of Enterprise & Commercial Banking. He previously served as BNI SEVP of Remedial & Recovery.

With the resolution of this Annual GMS, the composition of the Board of Commissioners of BNI is as follows:

President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner Pradjoto,

Deputy President Commissioner Pahala Nugraha Mansury,

Independent Commissioner Sigit Widyawan,

Commissioner Askolani,

Independent Commissioner Asmawi Syam,

Commissioner Mohamad Yusuf Permana,

Independent Commissioner Iman Sugema,

Independent Commissioner Septian Hario Seto,

Independent Commissioner Erwin Rijanto Slamet,

Commissioner Fadlansyah Lubis,

Commissioner Robertus Billitea,

As for the composition of Members of the Board of Directors of the Company is as follows:

President Director Royke Tumilaar,

Deputy President Director Putrama Wahju Setyawan,

Digital & Integrated Transaction Banking Director Hussein Paolo Kartadjoemena,

Enterprise & Commercial Banking Director I Made Sukajaya,

Finance Director Novita Widya Anggraini,

Risk Management Director David Pirzada,

Institutional Banking Director Munadi Herlambang,

Network & Services Director Ronny Venir,

Retail Banking Director Corina Leyla Karnalies,

Human Capital & Compliance Director Mucharom,

Technology & Operations Director Toto Prasetio,

Wholesale & International Banking Director Agung Prabowo,

“With these resolutions of shareholders, it is hoped that BNI can become a financial institution that excels in service and performance in a sustainable manner,” said Royke.


Arsip Berita