
Supporting TEI 2021, BNI Xpora Officially Launched

Supporting TEI 2021, BNI Xpora Officially Launched

Jakarta, 21 October 2021 – The efforts to encourage exports by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) continue to be carried out by various parties. One of them is carried out by PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or BNI through BNI Xpora program. Where through this program, several Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have felt the benefits of an integrated export acceleration.

The launch of BNI Xpora was held in conjunction with the Indonesia Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) 2021 Opening Ceremony which was carried out by the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta, Thursday (21 October 2021). The event was attended by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo, the Minister of Trade, Muhammad Luthfi and other members of the United Indonesia Cabinet.

On this occasion, BNI Xpora was launched by the Deputy President Director of BNI, Adi Sulistyowati, who is familiarly called Susi. "Let us take this opportunity to introduce BNI Xpora. Xpora is a form of BNI's support for national business players, especially MSMEs to develop their business to go Global. BNI Xpora services can be accessed through a digital platform," said Susi.

As a series of support for exports, BNI will hold a Global Trade Connection and Forum (GTCF) in 2022, where BNI Xpora is expected to be a vehicle for business matching for export-oriented companies in Indonesia with potential buyers and investors from overseas.

SME class upgrading is the main focus through partnerships and collaborations with large companies and entering the global market chain. This is expected to increase the competitiveness of national products, and build national economic independence. Of course, this is inseparable from efforts to accelerate the digitization of all stakeholders, including the Coordinating Ministry for Economy, Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of SOEs, Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Customs and Excise, Capital Investment Coordinating Agency (BKPM), e-commerce, global trade associations, to Smesco.

After more than 1.5 years of a pandemic with challenging economic conditions, the spirit of restoring cross-border trade transactions is felt in the 36th TEI Digital Edition in 2021, with the theme "Reviving Global Trade".
BNI as an agent of change in digitizing national financial transactions, actively encourages the digitization of business processes and services for all customers and partners. This is very much in line with the goal of holding TEI in 2021, which is to encourage the acceleration of digital trade transformation. This digitization will provide unlimited access for all business players in terms of promotions, partnerships, penetration of new markets both locally and globally, building a positive image, increasing the competitiveness of products and services, as well as fast and seamless financial transactions.

Seven Cities

Therefore, BNI is committed to the development of national SMEs and the digitization of SMEs. BNI introduced BNI Xpora which has provided services in 7 cities, namely Medan, Jakarta, Bandung, Solo, Surabaya, Denpasar, and Makassar. In addition, BNI Xpora can also be accessed by SME business actors throughout Indonesia and even diaspora in foreign countries through BNI Xpora Digital Platform.

Through BNI Xpora, with the tagline Export Made Easy, BNI provides integrated services and assistance to SMEs to be more productive (Go Productive), increase literacy, inclusion, and digital capabilities (Go Digital), and be able to expand their business to penetrate the global market (Go Global).

"BNI Xpora is also planned to be the orchestrator of the national business ecosystem that is able to facilitate SMEs and the Indonesian Diaspora as buyers and sellers, as well as prepare enablers for other export-import transactions, through collaboration with all stakeholders and strategic partners," said Susi.

An important role in the efforts to encourage exports and strengthen the function of BNI Xpora is the existence of BNI branch offices in 6 world financial centers. Through BNI offices in Singapore, Hong Kong, Seoul, Tokyo, London, and New York, the efforts to open access to global markets are being further sharpened. 

"BNI also includes an integrated digital platform and global market access by utilizing BNI network at Overseas Branch Offices for business matchmaking, as well as collaborating with several related institutions. Resilient, adaptive and collaborative are the keys for export players and SMEs to rise up to face today's challenges," added Susi.

BNI Xpora Boosts Export Credit

Along with the launching of BNI Xpora, BNI also supports the expansion of ornamental plant export access through the Ornamental Plant Export Acceleration Workshop which was held in Bogor Regency, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Bogor Regency Agriculture Office. Participated by dozens of exporters of ornamental plants in Bogor and surrounding areas. The workshop aims to provide solutions for SMEs to be able to expand their market access as well as solutions to their capital needs and other banking services to support the export business. 

BNI's MSME Business Director, Muhammad Iqbal said, "This activity is proof of BNI's commitment to increasing the added value and competitiveness of SMEs in the global market for ornamental plant farmers, so that later they will help accelerate the national economic recovery," said Iqbal.

In addition to providing capital support through KUR, BNI also plays a role in building a floriculture agricultural ecosystem by establishing a network and providing assistance to SMEs and corporations. Assistance and empowerment of farmer groups is carried out so that they can become hubs in the existing ecosystem net. 

"BNI will continue to present various kinds of product innovation, both financing and other banking services so that it can be accessed by more SMEs and encourage SMEs to be able to Go Export through BNI Xpora. This is in line with BNI's commitment to support Indonesian SME businesses to be able to compete in the Global Market," concluded Iqbal.

BNI International Service Support

BNI’s Treasury and International Director, Henry Panjaitan said, "One of our advantages in supporting business in the global market is through the BNI outlet network which is not only domestic but also spread across the world's business centers, namely through BNI Foreign Branch Offices (KCLN) who play important role in the success of BNI Xpora, especially with the Go Global facility,” said Henry. 
The presence of BNI KCLN is one of BNI's value propositions to be able to realize SMEs go global, through a consultation program regarding market conditions where a KCLN is located, to business matching with BNI KCLN partners. 
"We make it easy for exporters to gain access to importers by doing business matching through BNI collaboration with institutions/associations overseas (such as the local Chamber of Commerce, Importers Association, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC)," added Henry.

For more information, please contact:
BNI Corporate Secretary 
Phone: 021-5728387


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