
BNI Tennis Open 2019 --- Aldila Wins over Suryaningsih

BNI Tennis Open 2019 --- Aldila Wins over Suryaningsih

Jakarta, 21 November 2019 --- The top seeded duel will color the women's singles final of BNI Tennis Open 2019. East Java tennis player, Aldila Sutjiadi (24 years old) who occupies the first seeded will be involved in a clash with the second seed, Fadona Titalyana Kusumawati (19) from South Kalimantan in a tournament with a total prize of Rp 250 million at The Sultan Hotel Jakarta's tennis court on Friday (22/11/2019).

Aldila qualified for the final round after paralyzing the defense of the fifth seed from West Nusa Tenggara, Suryaningsih The mainstay of Merah Putih team at SEA Games 2019 in Manila, Philippines, early next month get a landslide victory in a straight set match with a final score of 6-1 6-1.

While Fadona managed to stop the junior exempt receiver Priska Madelyn Nugroho (Papua) through a rubber set fight 6-2 4-6 7-5.

“Of course, I want to win again. Anyway, ready to fight as much as possible on the field," Fadona’s determination, a non-Pelatnas tennis player who last month brought the women's single title of a national tournament in the same arena.

The Management Economics student of University of Surakarta also qualified for the women's double top party. Partnered with Deria Nur Haliza (DKI), the fourth seeded duet will test the toughness of the top seeded of Pelatnas SEA Games 2019 squad, Beatrice Gumulya/Jessy Rompies (East Java) after removing the second seed, Septiana Nur Zahiroh/Novela Rezha Millenia (Papua)6-2 6-1.

In the men's single semi-final on Thursday (21/11), Muhammad Rifqi Fitriadi (20) finally succeeded in getting rid of the second seed in the match between East Java representatives and the Pelatnas SEA Games 2019 squad member, David Agung Susanto (28) 6-7 (5) 6-4 6-4. In the final, Rifqi will challenge the top seeded from East Java, Christopher Rungkat who won over Muhammad Althaf Dhaifullah 6-4 7-5.

"This is the first meeting between us, and I will try to show a quality game, as much as possible take advantage of the opportunities available," said Rifqi who occupies the fourth seeded position.


The Semi Final Result, Thursday (21/11)

Men’s Single

1-Christopher Rungkat (East Java) v 6-Althaf Dhaifullah (West Papua) 6-4 7-5

3-M. Rifqi Fitriadi (East Java) v 2-David Agung Susanto (East Java) 6-7(5) 6-4 6-4


Mens’ Double

1-Anthony Susanto/David Agung Susanto (East Java) v M. Althaf Dhaifullah (West Papua)/M. Rifqi Fitriadi (East Java)

2-Iqbal Bilal Saputra (East Kalimantan)/Wisnu Adi Nugroho (Central Java) v Aditya Hari Sasongko/Jeremy Nahor (Bengkulu) 6-4 7-6(3)


Women’s Single

1-Aldila Sutjiadi (East Java) v 5-Suryaningsih (West Nusa Tenggara) 6-1 6-1

2-Fadona Titalyana (South Kalimantan) v JE-Priska Madelyn Nugroho (Papua) 6-2 4-6 7-5


Women’s Double

1-Beatrice Gumulya/Jessy Rompies (East Java) v 3-Kadek Gita Purnami (West Papua)/Kintan Pratiwi Anwar (East Kalimantan) 6-2 6-0

4-Deria Nur Haliza (DKI)/Fadona Titalyana (South Kalimantan) v 2-Septiana Nur Zahiroh/Novela Rezha Millenia (Papua) 6-2 6-1.


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