
Ministry of State Apparatus Utilization and Bureaucratic Reform Collaborates with BNI Preparing Digitalization of HR Management for State Civil Apparatus

Ministry of State Apparatus Utilization and Bureaucratic Reform Collaborates with BNI Preparing Digitalization of HR Management for State Civil Apparatus

Jakarta, 29 March 2022 -- PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. or BNI (stock code : BBNI) in collaboration with the Ministry of State Apparatus Utilization and Bureaucratic Reform or the PANRB Ministry in providing a human resource ecosystem. This collaboration is aimed at integrating resource management for all State Civil Apparatuses in all Ministries/Agencies including Regional Agencies.

The beginning of this collaboration was inaugurated with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the Digitalization of Human Resource Management for State Civil Apparatus and the Government Institutional Financial Ecosystem Program by the Minister of PAN RB, Tjahjo Kumolo and BNI’s President Director Royke Tumilaar, in Jakarta, Tuesday (29 March 2022).

Minister Tjahjo explained the development acceleration of a single digital platform for the ASN ecosystem for ASN management needs to be carried out through a strategic partnership approach. In the current digital era, it is necessary to further strengthen collaboration, including BNI, which already has a strong human capital architecture that can help digitize ASN management. "BNI as a strategic partner has experience in developing human capital supported by the use of a reliable technology platform," said Minister Tjahjo.

Currently collaboration is the main thing in responding to the challenges of changing collaboration, not limited to between agencies but with various other stakeholders including BNI. As BNI as an organization, it has been widely appreciated regarding change management and the implementation of strategic HR management.

The Ministry of PANRB and PT. BNI (Persero), Tbk. agreed to carry out cooperation in the context of digitizing human resource management for ASN and the government agency financial ecosystem program. The Memorandum of Understanding that has been signed is the basis for the implementation of mutually beneficialcooperation activities based on their respective functions and authorities."This collaboration is based on a commitment to mutual collaboration in accelerating the digital transformation of personnel human resources," said Minister Tjahjo.

Minister Tjahjo added, with this collaboration, the acceleration of data integration and information on the management of human resources for the national apparatus can be further strengthened so as to provide certainty in the quality of decision making and services that are increasingly prime for ASN and the community. This is also one of the strategic steps for human resource development as part of one of President Jokowi's priority work programs. "I hope that the collaboration of stakeholders in the management of Apparatus HR management will be further strengthened," he added.

On that occasion, Royke said that this collaboration is in line with BNI's mission, which is to provide excellent service and digital solutions to all customers as the business partner of choice. In addition, the Bank with the stock code BBNI continues to strive for optimizing the use of digital technology in all business lines."Digitalization is one of BNI's focuses, so of course BNI continues to innovate and also towards a global Bank that is ready to cooperate with the Ministry of PANRB can continue to be improved and developed with other collaborations," he explained.

Operationally, Royke explained that this digital service collaboration can be utilized by all ministries, institutions, including regional agencies. It is hoped that in the next stage it can be implemented in other agencies.
"This is also our step in terms of encouraging more sustainable economic growth accompanied by various innovations for digital transformation to support the realization of an electronic-based government system," concluded Royke.

BNI has also received various world-class recognitions and awards in developing human capital capabilities through BNI Corporate University (BNI CorPu) which received the Corporate Learning Improvement Process (CLIP) accreditation from the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) in 2019 and won the Gold award for Branding and Durability categories in the Global Council of Corporate Universities (GCCU) Award in 2021, and has ISO 9001: 2015 certification since 2016.

BNI CorpU is also seen as a masterpiece of Corporate University branding because it has adequate digital learning facilities, such as a one-stop-learning solution through BNI Smarter, Artificial Intelligence Chatbot LeVA (Learner's Virtual Assistance), Learning Games, Podcasts as well as BNI CorpU TV Knowledge Supplementary Webinars through the YouTube channel. BNI is also a Bank that has implemented the concept of Merdeka Learning by implementing a Learning Wallet for all its employees to be flexible in doing learning anywhere.

As a step to continue to improve digital capabilities following technological developments and innovations, BNI Corpu is also active in developing digital talent, among others, by fostering several IT Bootcamps which will later produce innovative works of Indonesian digital talent.


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