BNI Mobile Banking

  • Kebijakan Privasi BNI Mobile Banking
  • BNI Mobile Banking
  • Terms & Conditions of BNI Mobile Banking
  • FAQ

Kebijakan Privasi BNI Mobile Banking

Data Nasabah BNI baik berupa data pribadi maupun dana yang berada di Bank merupakan Rahasia Bank yang dilindungi oleh Bank serta mengacu kepada ketentuan Undang-Undang yang berlaku.

BNI menggunakan teknologi enkripsi Secure Socket Layer (SSL) pada aplikasi BNI Mobile Banking untuk menjamin kerahasiaan dan keamanannya, yang akan melindungi komunikasi antara perangkat Nasabah dengan server BNI. Pengamanan pada BNI Mobile Banking menggunakan metode time out session selama 5 (lima) menit.

BNI menjamin kerahasiaan data nasabah termasuk data pengguna aplikasi BNI Mobile Banking. Data nasabah hanya akan digunakan untuk kepentingan tertentu sesuai dengan Undang-Undang yang berlaku serta tidak memperlihatkan data tersebut kepada pihak ketiga tanpa izin dari Nasabah. Data Nasabah tidak diperkenan untuk diberitahu kepada pihak manapun termasuk petugas BNI.

BNI Mobile Banking

BNI Mobile Banking

Tuntutan akan kecepatan dan kemudahan membuat perbankan terus berinovasi, telah hadir BNI Mobile Banking yang lebih fresh, user friendly dan memiliki banyak fitur baru.

BNI Mobile Banking adalah fasilitas layanan perbankan yang memudahkan Anda untuk bertransaksi langsung melalui smartphone Anda, secara aman, mudah, dan cepat. BNI Mobile Banking memberikan layanan transaksi informasi saldo,transfer, pembayaran tagihan telepon, pembayaran kartu kredit, pembayaran tiket pesawat, pembelian pulsa, pembukaan rekening Taplus, pembukaan rekening Deposito, dan lain-lain. BNI Mobile Banking juga dapat diaktivasikan dandigunakan untuk bertransaksi di luar negeri.

Aplikasi terbaru BNI Mobile Banking bisa Anda dapatkan di App Store atau Google Play oleh Android minimum versi 5.1 (Lollipop) atau iPhone OS (iOS) minimum versi 11.

Bagi Nasabah BNI yang ingin menggunakan BNI Mobile Banking dapat mengunjungi Cabang terdekat untuk melakukan registrasi, untuk selanjutnya melakukan aktivasi di aplikasi BNI Mobile Banking dengan cara sebagai berikut :

  • Input User ID.
  • Input Nomor Kartu Debit.
  • Pilih Lokasi Negara.
  • Input Kode OTP.
  • Input MPIN.
  • Input Password Transaksi.

Selain mengunjungi cabang terdekat, registrasi dan aktivasi BNI Mobile Banking dapat langsung dilakukan melalui smartphone Anda setelah mengunduh aplikasi BNI Mobile Banking. Dengan alur sebagai berikut :

Flow Registrasi 1

Selamat datang di aplikasi BNI Mobile Banking yang bisa buat kamu mulai bisa apa aja sekarang.

Flow Registrasi 2

Pilih yuk, mulai untuk memulai proses registrasi. Jika belum memiliki rekening BNI, bisa pilih Buka Rekening secara online melalui Digital Opening Account (DOA).

Flow Registrasi 3

Belum punya User ID? Klik tombol Register disini untuk mengikuti tahapan registrasi selanjutnya.

Flow Registrasi 4

Siapkan beberapa dokumen informasi seperti : Nomor Rekening, Nomor Kartu Debit, PIN Kartu Debit, NIK dan E-mail lalu klik Lanjut.

Flow Registrasi 5

Lengkapi informasi sesuai yang diminta, 8 (delapan) digit terakhir Nomor Kartu Debit, Nomor Rekening sesuai Kartu Debit yang didaftarkan, PIN ATM dan juga Tanggal Lahir.

Flow Registrasi 6

Masukkan informasi Identitas Pribadi, buat User ID sesuai ketentuan, dan klik Lanjut.

Flow Registrasi 7

OTP akan dikirim melalui e-mail yang didaftarkan.

Flow Registrasi 8

Masukkan Kode OTP yang masuk ke e-mail terdaftar.

Flow Registrasi 9

Selamat! User ID sudah berhasil dibuat, silahkan lanjut ke Aktivasi BNI Mobile Banking.

Flow Aktivasi 1

Selamat datang di aplikasi BNI Mobile Banking yang bisa buat kamu mulai bisa apa aja sekarang dengan satu aplikasi.

Flow Aktivasi 2

Pilih sudah punya Kartu Debit/Kredit kalau kamu sudah memiliki rekening BNI ya.

Flow Aktivasi 3

Masukkan User ID.

Flow Aktivasi 4

Masukkan informasi sesuai ketentuan yang diminta.

Flow Aktivasi 5

Verifikasi nomor Hp dengan cara mengirimkan pesan verifikasi melalui SMS/Whatsapp.

Flow Aktivasi 6

Kirim pesan sesuai format dan kirim ke Whatsapp BNI atau melalui SMS ke 3346.

Flow Aktivasi 7

Kembali ke menu verifikasi BNI Mobile Banking dan tunggu beberapa saat.

Flow Aktivasi 8

Verifikasi berhasil.

Flow Aktivasi 9

Buat MPIN untuk melakukan login pada BNI Mobile Banking yang terdiri dari 6 (enam) angka dan pastikan tidak sama dengan MPIN sebelumnya.

Flow Aktivasi 10

Buat Password Transaksi sesuai dengan kriteria yang ditentukan.

Flow Aktivasi 11

Proses berhasil dan BNI Mobile Banking sudah bisa digunakan. Selamat menikmati keseruan bertransaksi menggunakan BNI Mobile Banking! Tetap jaga kerahasiaan User ID, MPIN dan Password Transaksi Anda dengan tidak memberitahu kepada siapapun termasuk Petugas Bank.

Flow Change Device 1

Pada device baru, pengguna BNI Mobile Banking memilih yuk, mulai.

Flow Change Device 2

Masukkan User ID BNI Mobile Banking sesuai dengan User ID pada device sebelumnya.

Flow Change Device 3

Masukkan 8 digit terakhir Nomor Kartu Debit, Nomor Rekening dan juga PIN Kartu Debit (ATM).

Flow Change Device 4

Verifikasi nomor Hp melalui SMS/WhatsApp dan OTP melalui e-mail.

Flow Change Device 5

Masukkan kode OTP yang diperoleh melalui SMS/WA dan e-mail.

Flow Change Device 6

Lakukan verifikasi biometric sesuai dengan ketentuan.

Flow Change Device 7

Ikuti petunjuk sesuai instruksi.

Flow Change Device 8

Proses aktivasi dan penggantian device telah berhasil, BNI Mobile Banking sudah bisa kembali digunakan untuk bertransaksi.


Siapkan nomor rekening dan nomor kartu yang masih aktif.

Akan dilakukan pengiriman OTP via Whatsapp atau SMS untuk memastikan pengguna adalah sesuai.

Flow Lupa User ID 1

Screen BNI Mobile Banking
TAP Login.

Flow Lupa User ID 2

Pada halaman login, untuk Lupa User ID
Tap Lupa User ID.

Flow Lupa User ID 3

Masukkan informasi rekening dan kartu
Tap Lanjut.

Flow Lupa User ID 4

Kirim pilihan OTP SMS atau Whatsapp
dengan menggunakan nomor yg terdaftar.

Flow Lupa User ID 5

Masukkan OTP.

Flow Lupa User ID 6

Masukkan OTP dan akan otomatis direct ke halaman berhasil.

Flow Lupa User ID 7

Halaman berhasil ambil User ID.
Tap kembali ke halaman Login.

Flow Lupa User ID 8

Berhasil login ke Homescreen.


Siapkan nomor rekening dan nomor kartu yang masih Aktif.

Akan dilakukan pengiriman OTP via Whatsapp atau SMS untuk memastikan pengguna adalah sesuai.

Flow Lupa MPIN 1

Screen BNI Mobile Banking
TAP Login.

Flow Lupa MPIN 2

Pada halaman login, untuk Lupa MPIN
Tap Lupa MPIN.

Flow Lupa MPIN 3

Masukkan informasi rekening dan kartu
Tap Lanjut.

Flow Lupa MPIN 4

Kirim pilihan OTP SMS atau Whatsapp
dengan menggunakan nomor yg terdaftar.

Flow Lupa MPIN 5

Masukkan OTP dan akan otomatis direct ke halaman buat MPIN.

Flow Lupa MPIN 6

Buat MPIN yang tediri atas 6 digit angka
Tap Lanjut

Flow Lupa MPIN 7

Halaman berhasil Lupa MPIN.
Tap Login agar ke halaman login.

Flow Lupa MPIN 8

Berhasil login ke Homescreen.


Login ke BNI Mobile Banking.

Aktifkan dari Pengaturan.

Flow Lupa Password Transaksi 1

Pada Homescreen BNI Mobile Banking
Tap Pengaturan.

Flow Lupa Password Transaksi 2

Pada halaman pengaturan,
Tap Password Transaksi.

Flow Lupa Password Transaksi 3

Pilih Lupa Password Transaksi.

Flow Lupa Password Transaksi 4

Pada halaman data diri, isi user id, nomor rekening dan 8 Digit terakhir nomor Kartu Debit.

Flow Lupa Password Transaksi 5

Setelah isi data diri, Tap Lanjut

Flow Lupa Password Transaksi 6

Halaman buat Password Transaksi,
ikuti sesuai dengan panduan.

Flow Lupa Password Transaksi 7

Setelah memenuhi dengan kententuan,
Tap Simpan.

Flow Lupa Password Transaksi 8

Reset Password Transaksi berhasil,
Tap kembali ke Pengaturan.

  1. Rekeningku
  2. Rekeningku

  3. Transfer
  4. Transfer

  5. E-Wallet
  6. Transfer

  7. Pembayaran
  8. Pembayaran

  9. Pembelian
  10. Pembelian

  11. Investasi
  12. Investasi

  13. Produk dan Jasa Lainnya
  14. Produk dan Jasa Lainnya

*Untuk fitur pembelian Digital Voucher saat ini hanya tersedia untuk OS Android.

  1. Login Biometric
  2. Login menggunakan Biometric baik Face Recognition maupun Fingerprint.

  3. Dikado
  4. Digital Kado untuk dapat memeberikan hadiah kepada orang tersayang.
    • Transfer.
    • Top up Pulsa, Link Aja, Gopay.
    • Mobile Tunai.

  5. My Credit Card
  6. Fitur administrasi kartu kredit melalui BNI Mobile Banking.
    • Pengajuan Kartu Kredit.
    • Cek limit.
    • Cek Pembukuan.
    • BillPayment.
    • Info Promo.

  7. Digital Loan
  8. Proses pengajuan pinjaman BNI baik secara penawaran maupun melalui pengajuan.

Segmen Upper MassSegmen MassSegmen Instan Registrasi
Tipe TransaksiMinimum LimitMaksimum Limit/TransaksiMaksimum Limit/HariMinimum LimitMaksimum Limit/TransaksiMaksimum Limit/HariMinimum LimitMaksimum Limit/TransaksiMaksimum Limit/Hari
Transfer BNI1200.000.000200.000.0001200.000.000200.000.0001200.000.000200.000.000
Transfer Antar Bank*150.000.000200.000.000150.000.000200.000.000150.000.000200.000.000
Transfer BI-Fast1250.000.000250.000.0001250.000.000250.000.0001250.000.000250.000.000
Transfer Kliring150.000.00050.000.000150.000.00050.000.000125.000.00025.000.000
Transfer Dana Pensiun50.000100.000.000100.000.00050.000100.000.000100.000.00050.000100.000.000100.000.000
Top Up Pulsa1.000Sesuai Tagihan2.000.0001.000Sesuai Tagihan2.000.0001Sesuai Tagihan2.000.000

* Catatan :

  • Limit transaksi pembayaran adalah sesuai dengan jumlah nominal tagihan.
  • Bagi Nasabah yang menginginkan upgrade segmen menjadi segmen mass atau Uppermass dapat mengunjungi Kantor Cabang.

Limit Transfer via BNI Mobile Banking

Saat ini, limit transaksi transfer antar BNI dan antar Bank lain melalui BNI Mobile Banking menjadi total sebesar Rp 400 juta per hari per nasabah. Berikut ini adalah rinciannya :

NoFiturBNI Mobile Banking
1Transfer Antar BNIRp 200 juta/hari
Rp 200 juta/transaksi
Rp 200 juta/hari
Rp 100 juta/transaksi
2Transfer Online Antar BankRp 200 juta/hari
Rp 50 juta/transaksi
Rp 200 juta/hari
Rp 50 juta/transaksi
3Transfer Antar BI FastRp 200 juta/hari
Rp 50 juta/transaksi
Rp 250 juta/hari
Rp 250 juta/transaksi

BNI Mobile Banking Terms and Conditions


  1. BNI Mobile Banking is a channel electronic facility from PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk which can be accessed by BNI Mobile Banking User Customers by using smartphone (iPhone, Android, and Blackberry) whose BNI Mobile Banking has been activated.
  2. BNI Mobile Banking Application is an application published by BNI which can be downloaded via Google Play, Appstore and Blackberry World.
  3. Bank is PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk covering Head Office and Branch Offices as well as other offices which are inseparable parts of PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk.
  4. Customer is individual account owner of BNI Taplus and/or BNI Taplus Bisnis and/or BNI Giro Perorangan and/or Taplus Muda and/or Taplus Anggota/Pegawai and/or BNI Emerald.
  5. User Customer is a Customer who has been registered as the user of BNI Mobile Banking facilities.
  6. OTP SMS is an sms containing one-time PIN to validate BNI Mobile Activation process. OTP SMS is sent by BNI Mobile Banking system to a Customer’s mobile phone number when the Customer is making BNI Mobile Banking Activation.
  7. User-Id is the identity of a BNI Mobile Banking User that is confidential (only known by authorized BNI Mobile Banking Users), which is made by the Customer during BNI Mobile Banking Registration and must be entered/input each time accessing BNI Mobile Banking application.
  8. MPIN is an access code/login to BNI Mobile Banking application which is confidential (only permitted by authorized BNI Mobile Banking Users), which is made by the Customer when activating BNI Mobile Banking and must be entered/input each time accessing BNI Mobile Banking application.
  9. Transaction Password is password for confidential financial transaction authorization (only known by authorized BNI Mobile Banking Users), which is made by the Customer when activating BNI Mobile Banking application and can be changed at any time by the Customer.
  10. Account is fund deposit in rupiah may be in the form of Savings products or Checking Account.
  11. Financial Transaction is a type of transaction resulting in debiting or crediting to BNI Mobile Banking User account.
  12. Non-Financial Transaction is a type of transaction that does not result in a financial mutation to BNI Mobile Banking User account.
  13. Smartphone is a mobile phone that has the ability to use and function that resembles a computer.
  14. Registration is BNI Mobile Banking User-Id registration process in order to be able to be used to carry out Non-Financial Transaction.
  15. Activation is BNI Mobile Banking User-Id activation process in order to be able to be used to carry out Financial Transaction and Non-Financial Transaction.
  16. BNI Mobile Banking MPIN Blocking is BNI Mobile Banking MPIN manual temporary deactivation process via customer service at a User Customer’s request.
  17. BNI Mobile Banking Transaction Password Blocking is BNI Mobile Banking Password manual temporary deactivation process via customer service at a User Customer’s request.
  18. BNI Mobile Banking OTP SMS Blocking is BNI Mobile Banking OTP SMS of manual temporary deactivation process via customer service at a User Customer’s request.
  19. Open Blocking of OTP SMS/BNI Mobile Banking Activation is reactivation a process of OTP SMS/BNI Mobile Banking Activation manually via customer service at a User Customer’s request.
  20. Change Mobile Phone number is User Customer’s mobile phone updating process at iCONS application and Bank Admin.
  21. Unregister BNI Mobile Banking service is permanent access termination to BNI Mobile Banking User services.
  22. Bank Official Media is an information delivery from Bank to Customers, among others website/SMS/BNI Call/Letter/official publication in mass media.
  23. BNI Call Officers (BCO) are BNI Contact Center (BCC) officers as complaint receiver conveyed by User Customers.
  24. Service Level Agreement of Complaint Settlement hereinafter referred to as SLA of Complaint Settlement is complaint settlement basic reference in banking that has been determined by regulatory (dhi. Bank Indonesia and Financial Service Authority).


The regulation of BNI Mobile Banking Membership are as follows :

  1. To be able to use BNI Mobile Banking facilities, prospective users must meet the applicable BNI Mobile Banking membership requirements, register and activate the facility.
  2. BNI Mobile Banking membership can be ended unilaterally by User Customer or by Bank.
  3. To be able to use BNI Mobile Banking facilities, prospective user must first register BNI Internet Banking (to create a User-Id).
  4. User Customer must update data to the Bank every time there is a change in personal data, especially changes in e-mail addresses and/or active mobile phone numbers.
  5. All losses arising from non-updating of data by User Customer to the Bank, specifically changes in the Customer’s e-mail address and/or active mobile phone number, are the the User Customer’s full responsibility.


  1. BNI Customer who has Individual Savings accounts (BNI Taplus, BNI Taplus Bisnis,BNI Taplus Muda, BNI Taplus Anak, BNI Taplus Member/Employee, BNI Emerald) or Individual Checking Account (rupiah). For types of Joint Account Savings, it must be ensured whether it is in accordance with the applicable provisions of Joint Account Savings products.
  2. Has mobile phone number and personal email address that are actively used by the Customer.
  3. Aged of minimum 15 years old.
  4. Filling Registration Form and BNI e-Banking activation for those who want to register at BNI Mobile Banking services via Branch Office.
  5. Has read and understood the conditions to become a BNI Mobile Banking User Customer.


  1. BNI Mobile Banking registration must be carried out by the relevant Customer personally (must not be represented) by bringing the original documents in accordance with BNI Mobile Banking membership requirements. As for the original documents that must be brought by the Customer are :
    1. Personal Identity (KTP/SIM/Passport).
    2. Proof of account ownership (savings book).
    3. BNI Debit Card (if necessary).
  2. Registration may only be done via the nearest BNI Branch Office.
  3. A Customer must register his personal mobile phone number and is not allowed to register other person’s mobile phone number by any reasons whatsoever.
  4. Any risks arising from negligence and/or misuse of data by Customer in the implementation of Registration, such as registering a mobile phone number that is not his personal property or making predictable MPIN, will be the Customer''s responsibility.


  1. Activation can only be done via BNI Mobile Banking application that is installed on Customer''s smartphone, for that the Customer must first install BNI Mobile Banking application on the smartphone.
  2. User Customer must use BNI Mobile Banking official application provided by the Bank in Google Play, Appstore and Blackberry World.
  3. All losses arising due to the use of BNI Mobile Banking application that are not from the Bank, are the User Customer’s full responsibility.
  4. BNI Mobile Banking activation must be done by the relevant Customer himself (must not be done by other person) by using the Customer’s personal smartphone.
  5. Customer may only activate 1 (one) BNI Mobile Banking application on 1 (one) smartphone. If there is more than 1 (one) smartphone that activates BNI Mobile Banking application with the same User-Id then only the last smartphone that activates the application can be used.


  1. Confidentiality and the use of BNI Mobile Banking User ID, MPIN and Transaction Password are entirely User Customer’s responsibility and should only be known and used by the User Customer in question.
  2. User Customer must keep confidential his User-Id, MPIN and transaction Password so that it is not known and not used by others, including by :
    1. Not notifying anyone, including Bank officer.
    2. Not recording or storing it in writing on paper or other storage media that is known to others.
    3. Be careful when using it so that other people don''t see it.
    4. Changing BNI Mobile Banking MPIN or Transaction Password periodically.
    5. Not using MPIN and Transaction Password that are predictable (use of personal identity such as date of birth).
    6. MPIN and Transaction Password should not be equalized or set differently from PIN or other e-channel password.
  3. User Customer is given the freedom to create his own User-Id, MPIN and Transaction Password and can change/replace it at any time.
  4. If the mobile phone used for transaction with BNI Mobile Banking is lost/stolen/changed ownership, a User Customer must notify that matter to the Bank via BNI Call to carry out OTP SMS blocking mechanism so that the mobile phone is unable to receive any OTP SMS sent by the Bank.
  5. In the event that a User Customer knows or suspects that his User-Id or MPIN or Transaction Password has been found out by another unauthorized person, the User Customer must immediately make security and changes to his User-Id or MPIN or Transaction Password.
  6. If for some reason a User Customer is unable to make changes to his User-Id, MPIN or Transaction Password, the User Customer must notify the Bank via BNI Call at number 1500046 to report the matter and request assistance from BCO officer in order to be able to substitute his User-Id, MPIN or Transaction Password.
  7. Before receiving a request from a User Customer, all orders, transactions and communications based on the use of User-Id, MPIN and/or Transaction Password by unauthorized parties are entirely the User Customer’s responsibility.
  8. The use of User-Id, MPIN and/or Transaction Password has the same legal force as a written order signed by User Customer, therefore User Customer hereby states that the use of User-Id, MPIN and/or Transaction Password in each order to any BNI Mobile Banking transaction is also a granting of power from User Customer to the Bank to carry out transaction including to debit the User Customer’s account both in the context of carrying out the transactions ordered and for transaction costs payment.
  9. Any misuse of User-Id, MPIN and/or Transaction Password of BNI Mobile Banking and the consequences are the User Customer’s full responsibility.
  10. Customer must keep his smartphone from dangerous applications (virus, malware, trojan, and others), before and after the installation of BNI Mobile Banking application.
  11. All losses incurred due to dangerous application activities contained on the smartphone belongs to a User Customer, are the User Customer’s sole responsibility.


  1. BNI Mobile Banking can only be used by an authorized User Customer, that is, a Customer registered in the BNI Mobile Banking database system in accordance with the User-id and the mobile phone number registered.
  2. All losses incurred due to the use of BNI Mobile Banking by other unauthorized parties are the User Customer’s full responsibility.
  3. User Customer can use BNI Mobile Banking for Financial Transactions and Non-Financial Transactions that have been determined by the Bank.
  4. User Customer must fill in completely and correctly and ensure the accuracy and completeness of the data needed for the Financial Transaction to be carried out.
  5. The Bank is not responsible for any impacts that may arise due to negligence, incompleteness, obscurity or inaccuracy of the data filled out by the User Customer, both during registration and when conducting Financial Transactions.
  6. User Customer has has the opportunity to recheck and/or cancel the data that has been filled at the time of transaction confirmation.
  7. If it is believed of the correctness and completeness of the data filled in, as a sign of approval for the implementation of Financial Transactions, the User Customer must enter the Transaction Password in the column provided.
  8. All Financial Transactions that have been ordered to the Bank and approved by User Customer (by providing the correct Transaction Password) cannot be cancelled.
  9. Every order that has been approved by a User Customer stored in the Bank''s data center is the correct data that is received as evidence of an order from the User Customer to the Bank to carry out the order in question.
  10. The Bank accepts and executes every order from a User Customer as a valid order based on the use of User-Id and MPIN and Transaction Password (for Financial Transaction). The Bank has no obligation to check or investigate the authenticity and validity or authority of the user of the User-Id, MPIN and Transaction Password or to assess or prove the accuracy and completeness of the order in question, therefore the order is legally binding on the User Customer.
  11. The Bank has the right not to carry out a User Customer’s order, if :
    1. The User Customer’s account balance at the Bank is not sufficient.
    2. The Bank knows or have reasons to suspect that fraud or a crime has been or will be committed.
  12. As proof that a Financial Transaction ordered by a User Customer has been successfully carried out by the Bank, the User Customer will obtain proof of the Financial Transaction and the evidence will be stored in the Bank''s database for three months from the date the Financial Transaction is conducted.
  13. User Customer approves and admits that :
    1. With the implementation of Financial Transactions via BNI Mobile Banking, all orders and communications from User Customer received by the Bank will be treated as valid evidence even though no written document is made and/or any unsigned document is issued.
    2. Evidence on orders from a User Customer to the Bank and all forms of communication between the Bank and the User Customer which are sent electronically stored in the Bank''s data center and/or stored in the form of information storage and other data at the Bank, whether in the form of written documents, notes, tape/cartridges, computer print outs and/or copies, are valid evidence which validity, truth or authenticity will not be denied.
  14. User Customer hereby grants power to the Bank to debit the User Customer’s account registered at the Bank to carry out Financial Transactions instructed by the User Customer by the Bank via BNI Mobile Banking and for payment of administration fee and transaction fee over the use of BNI Mobile facilities.


  1. For any problems related to transactions and/or access to BNI Mobile Banking facilities, a User Customer can notify the Bank by contacting BNI Call or visit the nearest BNI Branch Office with personal identity, BNI debit card and proof of account ownership. Specifically complaints submitted via BNI Call, only need to prepare identity documents and BNI debit card for verification purposes.
  2. In resolving reported problems, the Bank will conduct internal and external investigations (if necessary) within the timeframe in accordance with the Complaint Settlement SLA determined by the Financial Services Authority and Bank Indonesia. All Complaint Settlements from the Financial Services Authority and Bank Indonesia can be seen in the attachment to these Terms and Conditions.


A Customer may file complaint on any transaction he made as long as within the time limit for filing a complaint determined by the Bank as follows :

  1. Fund Transfer
    1. Customer may file complaint (received by BCO/Branch Officer) no later than 45 (forty=five) calendar days from the transaction date.
    2. Transfer refunds (if necessary) can only be done if :
      1. The transfer recipient is willing to return the fund that has been transferred.
      2. The transfer recipient’s account is still active and the balance is sufficient to return the fund requested.
  2. Complaint Billing Payment can be filed by Customer (received by the BCO/Branch Officer) no later than 90 (ninety) calendar days from the transaction date.
  3. Complaint on Top Up Credit Purchase can be filed by a Customer (received by the BCO/Branch Officer) no later than 7 (seven) calendar days from the transaction date.


  1. Make it easy for User Customers to transact wherever and whenever using smartphone.
  2. Offer easier, faster, economical and practival transaction services. User Customers can make transactions such as credit top up, fund transfer, purchasing and billing payment easier via BNI Mobile Banking.
  3. Provide maximum transaction security, so making User Customers more comfortable in conducting Financial Transactions.
  4. Separate transaction limit to the transaction limit on e-Banking channel. Transaction Limit can be seen on the attachment to this Terms and Conditions.


Fee components to BNI Mobile Banking are :

  1. Communication fee
    Communication Fee will be charged by telephone provider or other communication provider involved (Internet Service Provider/ISP) to User Customer over each use of the communication network used to access BNI Mobile Banking facilities. The amount of Communication Fee is set by each telephone provider or ISP by User Customer and is fully income for the telephone provider or ISP concerned.
  2. Transaction Fee
    Transaction Fee is charged to User Customer over each Financial Transaction he made. The amount of Transaction Fee is set by the Bank for certain type of Financial Transaction and directly debits the User Customer’s account after the transaction process is successful. The list of transaction fee can be seen on the attachment of this Terms and Conditions which constitutes an integral and inseparable part of this Terms and Conditions.


Potential Risks that Users may face :

  1. Forgotten User-Id/MPIN/Password Transactions can cause BNI Mobile Banking facilities to be blocked (generally due to incorrect customer input of 3 times in a row).
  2. User-Id, MPIN and/or Password Transaction that are known by other parties, may result in financial crimes by them.
  3. The knowledge of personal account information, results in disruption to Customer’s privacy and may cause of being misused by other parties.
  4. Error in inputing the data needed when having financial transaction may cause the occurrence of wrong credit or wrong payment, and it takes long time for fund return process as there must be prior approval from parties.
  5. A lost mobile phone which BNI Mobile Banking has been activated may be misused for any Non-Financial Transactions and may also be misused for Financial Transactions.


  1. Access blocking to BNI Mobile Banking facilities may be conducted/occurred if :
    1. There is request from a User Customer to the Bank to stop access to BNI Mobile Banking facilities, which may be caused by :
      • Customer forgot BNI Mobile Banking User-Id/MPIN,
      • The mobile phone used by the Customer to have transaction via BNI Mobile Banking was lost/stolen/changed ownership.
    2. User Customer incorrectly entered MPIN BNI Mobile Banking 3 (three) times in a row.
    3. Report from User Customer about allegation or known of User-Id/MPIN by unauthorized parties.
    4. The Bank suspects account misuse by User Customer in relation to violations of law.
    5. The Bank implements the requirements pursuant to the applicable laws and regulations.
    6. The Bank experiences interference or stopping the provision of BNI Mobile facility services in respect of such matter, the Bank will deliver notification to the User Customer via the Official Media of the Bank.
  2. Access blocking to BNI Mobile Banking facilities may be carried out by contacting BNI Call or the nearest BNI Branch Office.
  3. To reactivate due to access blocking of BNI Mobile Banking facilities as referred to in items 1.a.1), 1.a.2) and 1.b above, User Customer may open the blocking by accessing the Activation menu available in the User Customer’s BNI Mobile Banking application. Meanwhile, to reactivate due to termination of service access as referred to in items 1.c and 1.d must re-register via the nearest Branch Office with proof of identity and account ownership (passbook and/or BNI Debit Card).
  4. Access blocking request to BNI Mobile Banking facilities due to User Customer’s desire, must be conveyed by himself by the relevant User Customer (must not be represented).


  1. Termination of BNI Mobile Banking membership must be conveyed in writing to the nearest BNI Branch Office.
  2. Submission of termination letter for BNI Mobile Banking membership can be represented by other party who has been given the power to deliver it as evidenced by a letter of authorization affixed with sufficient stamp duty.
  3. Termination of BNI Mobile Banking membership may be caused by :
    1. User Customer submit a Termination Application of BNI Mobile Banking Membership to the Bank.
    2. User Customer closes all accounts that can be accessed via BNI Mobile Banking facilities.
    3. The Bank carries out obligation in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
    4. The Bank stop the provision of BNI Mobile Banking facilities. In this regard, the Bank will deliver a notification to User Customer via the Bank’s Official Media.


  1. User Customer will hold the Bank harmless of charges, in the event that the Bank is unable to carry out orders from the User Customer both in part or the whole due to events or causes beyond the Bank’s power or ability including to natural disaster, war, riot, malfunction of equipment, system or transmission, power disruption, telecommunications disruption, government policies, as well as other events or causes beyond the Bank''s power or ability.
  2. In the event that the Bank is unable to carry out orders from a User Customer both in part and in the whole due to events or causes above, the Bank will serve notice to the User Customer via the Bank’s Official Media.


  1. For each issue in relation to transaction and/or access of BNI Mobile Banking facilities, a User Customer may notify the Bank by contacting BNI Call and/or the nearest BNI Branch Office.
  2. Each notification from the Bank in relation to changes of benefits, fees, risks, this Terms and Conditions and/or access blocking to BNI Mobile Banking facilities will be notified to User Customer via the Bank’s Official Media.


  1. The Bank has the right to temporarily suspend BNI Mobile Banking facilities or for certain period of time as determined by the Bank for the purpose of renewal, maintenance or for other purposes for any reason deemed good by the Bank.
  2. This terms is subject to Indonesian law and applicable as an agreement for the Bank and the User Customer and constitute integral and inseparable part to Registration and Activation Form of BNI e-Banking.
  3. In the event that one of the terms in this Agreement is declared invalid based on laws and regulations, the null statement does not reduce the validity or cause the cancellation of other terms or conditions in this Agreement and therefore in that case the other provisions in this Agreement remain valid and binding.
  4. This Agreement has been adjusted to the provisions of laws and regulations including the regulations of the Financial Service Authority.


BNI Mobile Banking adalah aplikasi yang dapat diunduh pada telepon seluler jenis Smartphone dan Tablet berbasis Android dan iOS, yang berfungsi agar Nasabah BNI dapat melakukan transaksi finansial dan non-finansial menggunakan jaringan internet atau paket data.
Ya. Dengan cara download aplikasi BNI Mobile Banking dan menginput data diri di Aplikasi sesuai dengan yang tersimpan di sistem Bank.
Anda bisa melakukan transfer antar BNI, transfer antar Bank (online), Quick Transfer, International Remittance, Inquiry Saldo, cek mutasi rekening, pembelian pulsa handphone, Top Up Go-Pay, Top Up TapCash, pembayaran tagihan (telepon, kartu kredit, Multifinance, Asuransi, TV Berlangganan, PDAM , dan lain-lain), pembayaran tiket penerbangan, pembayaran tiket KAI, DiKado, My Credit Card, Digital Loan, dan lain-lain.
Untuk transfer antar BNI limit maksimal per hari adalah 200 juta, untuk transfer antar Bank limit maksimal per hari adalah 200 juta (info lebih lanjut cek limit transkasi BNI Mobile Banking). Sedangkan, untuk pembayaran tagihan, jumlah limit maksimal sesuai dengan jumlah tagihan.
Masih bisa, karena BNI Mobile Banking tidak memotong pulsa melainkan menggunakan koneksi internet/memotong paket data Anda.
Nasabah dapat melakukan pendaftaran BNI Mobile Banking melalui Cabang BNI terdekat dan langsung melalui Smartphone Nasabah menggunakan Instan Registrasi di aplikasi BNI Mobile Banking.
Selanjutnya Nasabah dapat mengunduh aplikasi BNI Mobile Banking pada Play Store atau App store, masukan di field pencarian dengan kata kunci BNI Mobile Banking. Setelah aplikasi berhasil diunduh, lakukan aktivasi dengan menginput No. Kartu Debit dan lokasi negara, selanjutnya pastikan terlebih dahulu untuk menentukan MPIN (kombinasi 6 digit angka), Password transaksi (kombinasi huruf dan angka, minimal 8 karakter dan maksimal 12 karakter serta tidak boleh sama dengan user ID atau mengandung unsur Nama) sebelum menggunakan aplikasi. Pastikan pulsa cukup untuk mengirimkan SMS verifikasi.
Aplikasi BNI Mobile Banking dapat di-install di semua tipe smartphone atau tablet berbasis sistem operasi Android (minimal 5.1) dan iOS (minimal 11).
Untuk android versi 5.0.0 sampai dengan versi 7.0 agar dapat mengakses BNI Mobile Banking dengan baik, Nasabah perlu mengupdate sistem web view android dengan cara : masuk ke playstore, lalu klik Webview. Kemudian pilih Android System Webview, lalu update.
Pada saat melakukan aktivasi Nasabah perlu mengirimkan SMS Verifikasi yang berisi kode verifikasi lalu kembali ke aplikasi BNI Mobile Banking untuk mendapatkan OTP. Selanjutnya, Nasabah akan diharuskan memasukkan 6 digit SMS OTP yang dikirimkan melalui SMS untuk dilakukan otentifikasi data. SMS OTP akan dikirimkan ke nomor handphone yang terdaftar di sistem BNI. Jika belum menerima SMS OTP, maka silakan memastikan bahwa sinyal operator tidak mengalami gangguan untuk menerima SMS dan pastikan terdapat pulsa handphone. Selain itu pastikan juga nomor telepon seluler telah tercatat di sistem BNI atau silakan memperbarui nomor handphone Anda melalui Cabang BNI terdekat. Setelah melakukan aktivasi, gunakan User ID dan MPIN Anda untuk login. Info lebih lanjut hubungi BNI Call 1500046.
Nasabah perlu melakukan pembaruan data nomor handphone pada kantor Cabang BNI terdekat dengan membawa identitas diri yang masih berlaku, buku tabungan atau kartu BNI Debit Card.
Jika MPIN atau Password Transaksi saya terblokir, maka Anda harus melakukan Aktivasi ulang BNI Mobile Banking, dengan cara pilih menu lupa MPIN / password transaksi pada layar awal Login, lalu lakukan aktivasi ulang.
Jika Anda lupa MPIN atau Password Transaksi, maka Anda dapat melakukan proses Lupa MPIN/Password Transaksi pada layar login.
Agar mengunjungi kantor Cabang BNI untuk melakukan pengkinian data BNI Mobile Banking.
Selama SIM Card dan jenis handphone yang Anda gunakan tidak berubah (Android ke Android atau iOS ke iOS), anda hanya perlu melakukan aktivasi ulang (langsung pada aplikasi BNI Mobile Banking) tanpa perlu ke cabang.
Anda harus melakukan reset Sim Card dengan mengunjungi cabang BNI terdekat.
Anda harus mengunjungi Cabang BNI terdekat untuk melakukan reset Sim Card karena terjadi perubahan pada SIM Card Anda.
Jaga selalu kerahasiaan data Anda (User Id, nomor kartu debit, dan kode SMS OTP), jangan beritahukan kepada siapapun, termasuk petugas Bank.
User ID, MPIN, Password Transaksi, Nomor Kartu Debit, Nomor Handphone harus sama dengan yang terdaftar di sistem, SIM Serial Number (SSN), dan SMS OTP.
SMS Verifikasi adalah SMS yang dikirim oleh Nasabah ke 3346 untuk mem-validasi nomor HP akun Mobile Banking Nasabah. SMS OTP adalah SMS yang berisi kode One Time Password otentikasi berupa 6 digit angka yang dikirimkan ke nomor HP Nasabah yang terdaftar di sistem, untuk proses validasi.
Bisa, pada saat melakukan aktivasi BNI Mobile Banking pilih lokasi "Luar Negeri", dan pastikan nomor HP yang digunakan sama dengan nomor yg tercatat di BNI. Jika berbeda maka lakukan update no. HP terlebih dahulu di Kantor Cabang.
Saat berada di luar negeri, sistem akan mengirimkan SMS Verifikasi ke nomor: 08111743346, dan nomor operator pengirim SMS OTP adalah: 08111743346.
Saat aktivasi nasabah akan dikenakan biaya SMS, yaitu biaya saat sistem mengirimkan SMS Verifikasi dan saat aplikasi menerima SMS OTP. Besarnya biaya tergantung pada masing-masing operator seluler.
Untuk keamanan akun BNI Mobile Banking Nasabah, BNI Mobile Banking tidak dapat digunakan untuk device yang telah di-root. Beberapa kondisi yang kemungkinan terjadi saat melakukan aktivasi BNI Mobile Banking :
Root Device DetectedMelakukan unroot device. Demi keamanan akun Mobile Banking Anda, disarankan untuk meng-install BNI Mobile Banking pada device yang tidak di-root.
MBANK 51Mengunjungi kantor cabang BNI terdekat untuk mem-verifikasi data Nasabah.
MBANK 50Mengunjungi kantor cabang BNI terdekat untuk melakukan reset SSN.
MBANK 18, 36, 37Mengunjungi kantor cabang BNI terdekat untuk melakukan buka blokir.
MBANK ERROR, General ErrorPastikan versi aplikasi Anda sudah yang ter-update.
MBANK 1Mengunjungi kantor cabang BNI terdekat.
Untuk menjaga keamanan mobile banking, anda harus menjaga kerahasiaan data pribadi transaksi anda, antara lain : User ID, MPIN, Password Transaksi, Nomor Kartu Debit, Nomor Handphone dan SMS OTP.
Anda harus segera melakukan pemblokiran, dengan menghubungi BNI Call 1500046 atau langsung mendatangi petugas cabang BNI untuk meminta pemblokiran BNI Mobile Banking.

Tutorial Atur Kartu Debit (Debit Control) pada BNI Mobile Banking

Kini atur Kartu Debit BNI dapat melalui BNI Mobile Banking. Download Sekarang! Dapatkan kemudahan transaksi dan fitur finansial yang lengkap hanya di BNI Mobile Banking.


Atur Kartu

Monitor Kartu Debit

Atur Kartu - Monitor Kartu Debit

Atur Kartu

Tampilkan Nomor Kartu, expired, & CVV

Atur Kartu - Tampilkan Nomor Kartu, expired, & CVV

Atur Kartu

Order Kartu Debit Fisik - Ambil di Cabang (1)

Atur Kartu - Order Kartu Debit Fisik - Ambil di Cabang (1)

Atur Kartu

Order Kartu Debit Fisik - Ambil di Cabang (2)

Atur Kartu - Order Kartu Debit Fisik - Ambil di Cabang (2)

Atur Kartu

Order Kartu Debit Fisik – Antar ke Alamat (1)

Atur Kartu - Order Kartu Debit Fisik – Antar ke Alamat (1)

Atur Kartu

Order Kartu Debit Fisik – Antar ke Alamat (2)

Atur Kartu - Order Kartu Debit Fisik – Antar ke Alamat (2)

* Apabila kurir gagal mengirim kartu ke alamat Nasabah, maka kartu akan dikirim ke alternatif pilihan kantor cabang tertera.


Atur Kartu

Order Kartu Debit Virtual

Atur Kartu - Order Kartu Debit Virtual

Atur Kartu

Order Kartu Debit Virtual

Atur Kartu - Order Kartu Debit Virtual

Atur Kartu

Aktivasi Kartu Fisik

Atur Kartu - Aktivasi Kartu Fisik

Atur Kartu

Aktivasi Kartu Fisik (2)

Atur Kartu - Aktivasi Kartu Fisik (2)

Atur Kartu

Ubah PIN Kartu Debit

Atur Kartu - Ubah PIN Kartu Debit

Atur Kartu

Ubah PIN Kartu Debit (2)

Atur Kartu - Ubah PIN Kartu Debit (2)

Atur Kartu

Blokir Kartu Debit

Atur Kartu - Blokir Kartu Debit

Atur Kartu

Unblock Kartu Debit untuk Buka Blokir Kartu Lewat BNI Mobile Banking

Atur Kartu - Unblock Kartu Debit untuk Buka Blokir Kartu Lewat BNI Mobile Banking

Atur Kartu

Unblock Kartu Debit untuk Buka Blokir Kartu Lewat BNI Mobile Banking

Atur Kartu - Unblock Kartu Debit untuk Buka Blokir Kartu Lewat BNI Mobile Banking