BNI Life PA Protection Plus

Why PA Protection Plus

    An Accident Insurance protection product that provides benefits of Death Compensation due to Accident, Total Permanent Disability Compensation due to accident, Broken bones Compensation due to Bodily Injury or Accident, Daily Hospitalisation Compensation due to accident, Cash Compensation if hospitalised for more than 10 (ten) consecutive days, No Claim Bonus of 30% of the premium paid if there is no claim within 3 consecutive years, Medical Evacuation Service, and Merchant Discount.

Programme Advantages

    Affordable premium.

    Coverage and Returns.

    Sum insured for death & total permanent disability due to accident up to 750 million.

Programme Benefits

    Death Benefit : Compensation for death & total permanent disability due to accident up to 750 million.

    Living Benefit : 30% premium refund every 3 years if there are no claims.

Participation Requirements

    Minimum Premium : IDR63,080 per month.

    Entry Age of Insured : 18 years - 64 years.

    Premium Payment Period : Monthly and yearly.

    Insurance Period : 1 year can be extended until the maximum limit of the insured age is 65 years old.

Contact Us

    For further information, please contact BNI Call.