Turn wealth into legacy with us.
A more personal style of Banking.
Didesain untuk memenuhih kebutuhan dan minat Anda, BNI Emerald menawarkan Produk dan Layanan yang dikurasi dengan mempertimbangkan ambisi dan tujuan keuangan Anda.
Benefit yang didesain mengelilingi Anda dan untuk Anda. Jelajahi bersama kami hari ini.
Environmental, Social, Governance
Menjalankan bisnis perusahaan dengan mengintegrasikan kepentingan ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan hidup serta tata kelola.
Memberikan layanan prima, solusi digital, perlindungan keamanan serta privasi kepada seluruh Nasabah.
Meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan hidup yang sejalan dengan pengembangan bisnis.
Meningkatkan keperdulian dan tanggung jawab kepada segenap lapisan masyarakat yang sejalan dengan pengembangan bisnis.
Menciptakan kondisi terbaik bagi pegawai sebagai tempat kebanggaan untuk berkarya dan berprestasi.
MSCI ESG rating of A (22 November 2021).
Medium ESG Risk Rating from Sustainalytics (4 March 2021).
The Best SOE, The 12th IICD Corporate Governance Award (31 May 2021).
Constituent of SRI-KEHATI Index.
Constituent of IDX ESG LEADERS Index.
As a contribution to suppress the spread of Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19). PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk (BNI) conducted Covid-19 Swab Test for free for 30,000 participants throughoutIndonesia under BNI Berbagi Program.
PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. won the Gold Rank Award at the Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating ASRRAT 2021 event. The Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating ASRRAT 2021 is an activity to awardinstitutions that have successfully communicated sustainability performance to stakeholders through sustainability reports properly.
The 12th Indonesian Institute for Corporate Governance in 2021 again ranked the Most Trusted Company in the implementation of Good Corporate Governance based on an assessment themed “Building CompetitiveAdvantage within the GCG framework”. BBNI has managed to maintain the title of the most trusted company since 2012.
Through “Ayo Menabung dengan Sampah”, the general public and students are invited to sort waste, deposit it in a waste Bank (Bank Sampah), and then exchange it for BNI savings.
BNI provides services for persons with disabilities. Facilities can be used by customers with disabilities to help transactions. In the future, BNI will prepare more ATMs for Disability.
Agen46 is a BNI partner (individual or legal entity that has collaborated with BNI) to provide banking services to society (Laku Pandai Service, LKD Service, and e-Payment Service).
Realizing the importance of tree planting for improving the quality of the environment, BNI has collaborated with the community in Megamendung Village, Bogor Regency, to rehabilitate degraded land anddevelop an organic forest ecosystem in the area. BNI assisted with the planting of trees covering 10 hectares from a total area of 27 hectares of organic forest land.