
Saving Simulation

BNI Tapenas

BNI Tapenas

Rencanakan keuangan untuk keluarga Anda sejak dini dengan BNI Tapenas (Tabungan Perencanaan Masa Depan).

BNI Tapenas Life Goals

BNI Tapenas Life Goals

Rencanakan keuangan untuk keluarga Anda sejak dini dengan BNI Tapenas (Tabungan Perencanaan Masa Depan).

BNI Simponi

BNI Simponi

BNI Simponi is a pension program with a defined contribution scheme, established by DPLK BNI.

Loan Simulation

BNI Griya

BNI Griya

A consumer financing facility that the amount of which is adjusted to the financing needs.

BNI Griya Multiguna

BNI Griya Multiguna

BNI Griya Multiguna is a credit given to the community with collateral in the form of ready-to-use property.

BNI Fleksi

BNI Fleksi

Is a loan facility (KTA) provided to Active Employees who have fixed income, for consumptive purposes.

BNI Instan

BNI Instan

BNI Instan is a credit guaranteed by Time Deposit/Current Account/Savings issued by BNI.