Turn wealth into legacy with us.
A more personal style of Banking.
Didesain untuk memenuhih kebutuhan dan minat Anda, BNI Emerald menawarkan Produk dan Layanan yang dikurasi dengan mempertimbangkan ambisi dan tujuan keuangan Anda.
Benefit yang didesain mengelilingi Anda dan untuk Anda. Jelajahi bersama kami hari ini.
BNI Simponi is a pension program with a defined contribution scheme, established by DPLK BNI in 1994 based on the Pension Fund Law No. 11, 1992. DPLK BNI (Dana Pensiun Lembaga Keuangan/Pension Fund Financial Institution) has been the largest in asset since 2001.
Whoever you are, you can be a BNI Simponi member.
BNI Simponi can be applied by all, any profession such as civil servant, employees of private - or state-owned companies, doctor, notary, consultant, accountant, lawyer, architect, merchant, farmer, labor, student, etc who will need prosperous retirement days.
It is very easy to be a BNI Simponi member.
Please come to the nearest BNI Branch with your ID Card, fill out the application and make an initial deposit payment of Rp 100.000,-, then you will become a BNI Simponi member.
Those with limited income can enjoy an optimal return, only by making a minimum monthly deposit of Rp 50.000,-. He/she will enjoy an opportunity to receive monthly income for life (by purchasing an annuity program from an insurance company) which can be passed down to his/her widows and children until the age of 25, or married, or with a job.
Return on investment will depend upon market prevailing rates as well as choice of investment packages, as follows :
You can decide your own retirement age.
BNI Simponi retirement age starts from 40 years old.
Every BNI Simponi member will receive a BNI Simponi passbook as proof of membership. Every member can always check account balance as well as funds movement by printing the passbook in the nearest BNI Branch, or via BNI e-channel for BNI Taplus holder.
All BNI Simponi activities, starting from account opening, deposits, funds withdrawals, account balance information, until account closing in retirement age time, can all be done in all BNI branches through out Indonesia with Online System facility.
Deposit of BNI Simponi can be done in 4 ways :
Members can always come to the nearest BNI Branch, with a complete documentation as follows :
Annotation :
Total Benefit Retirement will be taxed in accordance with applied tax regulation.