Indonesia’s economy has grown in many sectors including the small, mid-sized, and micro businesses (umkm) sectors. as one of the banks targeting these segments, bni strives to fulfill its customer’s needs through various services specifically for the umkm sectors.
CNS strives to provide services that prioritize the handling of loan distribution towards customers who operate small or medium sized businesses. Mid-sized business customers with credit needs of between Rp up to Rp can be served by intermediate loans centers(skm) while small sized businesses with credit needs of up to Rp can be served by small loan centers(skc) and certain branches depending on the size of its business.
Through 20 intermediate loan centers (skm) and 51 small loan centers (skc) spread across a number of indonesia’s major cities, the cns division provides banking services in the form of working capital credit (kmk), investment credit (ki), bank guarantee (gb), local letter of credit (skbdn) and letter of credit (lc), as well as other methods of payment that have been adjusted according to the customer’s needs.
On top of the aforementioned points, bni, together with the government also provide small business loans(kur) and other credit programs either to individuals, business groups, as well as through a linkage program(cooperatives & bpr) and pola inti plasma.