BNI Taplus Pegawai/Taplus Anggota is a savings product intended for Employees/Members of a Company/Institution/ Association/Professional Organization cooperating with BNI which also serves as savings account and identity card for the Employees/Members.
- Taplus Pegawai/Taplus Anggota provides Employees Card/Members Card facilities for the Companies, institu-tions, associations, and organizations that can be used as an Identity Card.
- You will have a "sense of belonging/being proud" of your Institution/Company when having the Employees Card/Members Card as an identity card.
- The Employees Card/Members Card can be used for various needs and for making transactions in thousands of ATM BNI, ATM Bersama and Link networks as well as BNI Internet Banking, BNI Phone Banking and BNI SMS Banking facilities.
- Taplus Pegawai/Anggota is provided to the employees/ members of the Companies, Institutions, Associations, Organizations establishing cooperation with BNI which has been set forth in a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between BNI and the Company, Institution, Association, or Organization.
- The Company/Institution/Association/Professional Organization may establish cooperation of BNI Tappa ownership in accordance with the terms and conditions applicable in BNI.