
Bangga Buatan Indonesia National MovementPresented by the Ministry of SOEs for West Kalimantan MSMEs to Go Global

Bangga Buatan Indonesia National MovementPresented by the Ministry of SOEs for West Kalimantan MSMEs to Go Global

Pontianak, 9 December 2022 – The end of 2022 is a precious moment of West Kalimantan's big step to become a province that emphasizes its existence as one of the faces of Indonesia. Bordering directly with one of Malaysia's regions, West Kalimantan should encourage MSME entrepreneurs, small and medium industries, and artisans to be able to penetrate the global arena, of course without forgetting the potential of the domestic digital market.

This big step is called Bangga Buatan Indonesia Kalimantan Barat National Movement. The movement places MSME entrepreneurs, as well as small and medium industries to be able to improve the quality of their products, and master digital skills to be able to utilize technological features in developing their business..

Under the direction of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises as the campaign manager, the program that carries the theme #CorakCorakKalbar - Building West Kalimantan MSMEs Go Global is collaborating with BNI and seven SOE Houses to be able to conduct training and mentoring for MSME entrepreneurs. A collaboration that shows how the interests of the community deserve to be the priority of all the nation’s youth.

Minister Erick Thohir emphasized the commitment of all SOEs as state-owned assets to participate in building the Indonesian economy. "Our existence is to develop this country," said the SOE Minister firmly.

"We are fully aware that the backbone of the nation's economy lies on the backs of MSME entrepreneurs. So, to develop Indonesia, it is important to ensure that these MSME entrepreneurs are able to run their businesses without significant obstacles."

The commitment of the Ministry of SOEs is evidenced by the extraordinary achievements of Gernas BBI West Kalimantan. This National Movement also supported the distribution of West Kalimantan digiKU loan of Rp 200 billion during the August-October 2022 period.  

Not only that, people's business credit (KUR) was also distributed to more than 75,000 MSMEs in West Kalimantan with a total value of more than Rp 4.26 trillion during January-November 2022. Meanwhile, during the same period, there were seven MSME exporters from West Kalimantan with transaction records reaching more than Rp 1.1 trillion.

This fantastic value is not without a massive training and mentoring journey. At least 1,900 MSME entrepreneurs participated in training with SOE Partners and the Indonesian E-Commerce Association (idEA).

BBI Kalbar National Movement Harvesting Party was held at Pelataran Rumah Gadang, Pontianak, 9-10 December 2022. Like a party after harvest, the event was held festively by presenting champion MSMEs who introduced their products in the people's market during the harvesting event.

The same thing was expressed by Fauzi, SEVP of BNI Operations. "BNI is committed to continuing to improve the development of MSMEs in West Kalimantan, one of which is the activity we are doing today. In addition, we will continue to provide assistance to SOE Houses under the guidance of BNI, which are spread across 29 SOE House”

Not only that, the spirit and joy was also spread to the entire community by presenting entertainment from well-known local singers. Before Midnight and Star Girl, as well as traditional dances combined with modern contemporary movements from Sanggar Mandala. The highlight of the event was the presence of the much-loved Ada Band.

The harvesting party has been held, but that doesn't mean it's the end of the world, it just means that the next planting period will soon arrive. BBI Kalbar National Movement has closed, but it left a spirit that deserves to be continued. Let's be proud of Indonesia by buying and using local products. Help strengthen MSMEs to be creative, empowered and independent.



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