
BNI Won Two Corporate Communication Awards at BCOMSS 2024

BNI Won Two Corporate Communication Awards at BCOMSS 2024

08/03/2024. PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BNI) has consistently implemented effective corporate communications and sustainable programs. This is evidenced by the winning of two prestigious awards at the SOE Corporate Communications and Sustainability Summit (BCOMSS) 2024.

BNI won first place for the Social Media and Corporate Campaign category and Gold Medal for the Creating Shared Value (CSV) category. The award was handed over directly by SOE Minister Erick Thohir to BNI Human Capital and Compliance Director Mucharom at Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday (7/3/2024).

BCOMSS 2024 is a competition in the field of corporate communications and sustainability programs for all state-owned enterprises.

Mucharom explained, BNI proactively runs publication programs through mainstream media and social media. This is done to strengthen the company's favorable image and encourage the narrative of BNI's support for a sustainable economy.

“We are grateful for the appreciation given by the Ministry of SOEs through the BCOMSS 2024 event. This award is a motivation for BNI to continue developing social media by integrating the CSV concept into the company's business strategy,” Mucharom said.

Mucharom continued, BNI is improving its social media performance to strengthen its brand image as a company that is evolving in response to technological advancements and the times, and serves people from various generations.

BNI's social media strategy will be focused on anticipating changes in dynamics, both internal and external, ranging from product innovation to collaboration with the proper key opinion leaders.

Mucharom added, in 2023, BNI succeeded in increasing awareness and reach through social media by harmonizing content between corporate accounts and BNI Hi-Movers. BNI also established collaboration with key opinion leaders in accordance with the target audience.

BNI has also successfully structured a combination of content pillars with scheduling to create content differentiation, not just focusing on promotions and services.

On the other hand, BNI has implemented the CSV concept into the company's business strategy, focusing on MSMEs as one of the main segments.

This CSV concept is implemented in the BNI Jejak Kopi Khatulistiwa program where the company has succeeded in encouraging business value creation while also adding value to the social and environmental aspects.

BNI believes that CSV can create shared value for the company and stakeholders, including MSMEs.

“Our corporate communication program is in line with the direction of SOE Minister Erick Thohir to encourage SOE companies to perform positively in facing the digitalization era, especially in managing communications by utilizing media infrastructure, both conventional and social media,” he concluded.


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