
BNI Spurs Diaspora-Owned Businesses in Japan

BNI Spurs Diaspora-Owned Businesses in Japan

(29/6/2024) - Through the Overseas Office in Tokyo, PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BNI) has again encouraged the development of businesses owned by the Indonesian diaspora in Japan.

This time BNI channeled a Diaspora Loan for Keihin Corporation, which offers a variety of services ranging from tour and travel to distributing Indonesian interns in Japan.

The diaspora loan was symbolically handed over by BNI Network & Services Director Ronny Venir to Keihin Corporation CEO Mahmudi Fukumoto at the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo, Japan, Saturday (June 29, 2024).

The symbolic handover was witnessed by the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Japan Heri Akhmadi, Chief Executive of the Financial Services Business Conduct Supervisor, FSA Consumer Education and Protection Friderica Widyasari Dewi, Head of BI Representative in Japan Imaduddin Sahabat, IDX Development Director Jeffey Hendrik, Deputy for Operations and Service Channels of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Cahyaning Indriasari, and KIP Commissioner Samrotunnajah Ismail.

Heri Akhmadi expressed his appreciation to BNI for continuing to actively accelerate the growth of diaspora businesses overseas, especially in Japan.

“The Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo continues to assist diasporas, including diasporas who open businesses in Japan. As a state-owned bank operating here, BNI has also been supporting the assistance program of the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo by channeling loans to various business sectors owned by the diaspora.”

Heri Akhmadi added, “The Indonesian Embassy hopes that more and more Indonesian diasporas in Japan will be inspired to become entrepreneurs so as to increase trade relations between the two countries and BNI continues to be a trusted banking partner,” he said.

On the same occasion, Ronny Venir said, as an overseas branch with full license status, BNI Tokyo can offer all products and services available in Japanese banking, including credit for diaspora entrepreneurs.

“One of the main functions of BNI Overseas Offices is to support all Indonesia-Related businesses run by the diaspora. Moreover, Keihin Corporation offers services that make it easier for Indonesians to find companies for internships in Japan,” said Ronny.

Ronny also said that BNI already has a People's Business Credit (KUR) program for Indonesian Migrant Workers overseas interns.

“This is an integrated program where BNI supports the departure of Indonesian migrant workers abroad through KUR PMI. After completing the internship program in Japan, the majority of PMIs are oriented to open business either in Japan or in Indonesia. If they decide to start a business in Japan, BNI is ready to support them with a Diaspora Loan. If they return to their homeland, BNI has also provided various loan facilities in Indonesia,” Ronny concluded.


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