Tips & Tricks


Depositing Your Cash Without Worrying to Fail

🔐💡 Share to your friends and family to get some important tips to get a safe transaction without fail! Watch This Video#TipsSetorTunai #TransaksiAman #BankingTips #BNI46 #CXCenterBNI #CustomerProtection

Now topping up your Electricity Tokens will be easily and safely with BNI Mobile Banking!

Now topping up your Electricity Tokens will be easily and safely with BNI Mobile Banking!! ⚡💳Want to know an easy way to top up your electricity tokens without any struggle? Follow these steps below:1.    Open your BNI Mobile Banking2.    Sign in with your User ID and M-Pin3.    Click on “Menu Pembelian”4.    Click on “Token Listrik”5.    Input your PLN customer ID6.    Choose th...

Here are some easy way to top up your Tapcash !

Here are some easy way to top up your Tapcash:1.    Use your Mobile Banking to make it easier to top up your Tapcash balance by following the steps above.2.    Make sure your phone is equipped with the NFC feature for convenient transactions.3.    When topping up or updating your balance, make sure that there are no objects blocking between your phone and card.With these tips, topping up your Tapcash will be so much easier! You can watch the Video Her...