
Growing Third Party Funds, Safe Savings

Growing Third Party Funds, Safe Savings

Jakarta, 3 March 2022 – The growth of Banking third party funds is still very positive even though it has entered the third year of the pandemic. This is in line with increasing customer trust, complete supervisory infrastructure, as well as proactive Banking efforts in developing services.

PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. (BNI) ensures the safety of customer funds to support all economic activities in this year's recovery period. In a webinar entitled Savings in the Bank : Safe or Uneasy, Secretary of the LPS Institution, Dimas Yuliharto said the Banking industry is a very important component in a country's economy.

This is because Banking has a function as an intermediary that collects public funds to be channeled through credit for various economic activities, both consumption and productive. Dimas conveyed that deposits in Banks are currently in very safe conditions, so that people do not need to hesitate to save in Banks.

As a resolution agency, LPS also carries out supervisory duties that are integrated with BI and OJK. LPS also has sufficient mechanisms to help Banks to cope with difficult conditions during the pandemic. "The condition of Banking deposits in Indonesia is currently very good. We hope that customers will not hesitate to continue to increase their savings at the Bank," he said, Wednesday (2/3/2021).

The Research Director of the Center of Reform on Economics (Core) Indonesia, Piter Abdullah said that public confidence is currently very high and is still increasing. Almost no Banks in Indonesia experience liquidity problems that can disrupt the stability of the national financial system.

In addition, the integration of monetary authorities, Banking supervisors, and Banking resolutions has become better and more complete in maintaining the stability of the national financial system. "The possibility of a crisis that disrupts the trust of Banking customers is currently very small. However, it is indeed good for all parties to always be vigilant and maintain the trust of these customers very wisely," he said.

BNI Remains Liquid

BNI's Director of Consumer Business, Corina Leyla Karnalies, said that the company's liquidity condition is very ample, as reflected in the increase in third party funds (DPK) in 2021 by 15.5%. If analyzed further, the increase in TPF was dominated by low-cost funds or the CASA ratio which reached 69.4%. This also had a good impact on the decrease in cost of funds from 2.6% to 1.6%, down 1% at the end of 2021.

Corina continued that BNI always maintains the Bank's finances in a liquid condition to answer various customer funding needs. Liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) is at 230.2%, indicating that BNI is resistant to shocks that may occur.

"Currently the LCR at BNI is at the level of 230% or above the drinking limit set by the regulator at 100%. We convey this signifies BNI's very good liquidity resilience at this time," she said.

Meanwhile, the total deposits until the period of December 2021 reached Rp. 729.2 trillion. The percentage from the individual side is 41% around Rp. 297.9 trillion, then for institutions 42% Rp. 301.1 trillion, and the remaining 18% is for small and medium segment deposits.

With these diverse fund components, BNI has the ability to guarantee strong customer fund deposits for the short term, i.e. short term daily up to one year ahead.

This has been anticipated by BNI, whether it comes from the maturity profile of deposits, as well as cash in plans, customer cash outs, and the placement of highly liquid assets with Bank Indonesia, which can be easily converted to cash if needed. These things are to maintain the operational needs of customers' funds.

"Deposit management at BNI has also followed LPS rules because in the interest program and gift program to customers, BNI regularly follows LPS rules. Then, the products and services provided by BNI are also in accordance with LPS requirements. BNI is also a participating Bank for the LPS guarantee, which can be checked at," said Corina.


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