
BNI's 78th Anniversary Series Helps Achieve Indonesia's NZE Target

BNI's 78th Anniversary Series Helps Achieve Indonesia's NZE Target

(26/6/2024) - Many countries around the world, including Indonesia, have expressed concern about climate change. Indonesia's government has pledged to achieving net zero emissions (NZE) by 2060.

NZE is a condition where the amount of carbon emissions released into the atmosphere does not exceed the earth's absorption capacity.

The target can also be achieved by reducing carbon emissions through energy efficiency and the use of new renewable energy as well as increasing carbon sequestration capacity through afforestation.

BNI recently planted 78,000 mangrove seedlings in Tegalpare Hamlet, Banyuwangi, East Java, to commemorate its 78th anniversary. The CSR program's goal is to help reach the NZE target and restore biodiversity along the coast.

Member of Commission VI of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Nasim Khan, expressed his appreciation for the program.

“Mangrove trees thrive along the hundreds of kilometers of coastline in Banyuwangi Regency. BNI managed to collaborate the CSR program distributed in the framework of its anniversary with one of the main agendas of the government to reduce carbon emissions,” said Nasim Khan.

Nasim Khan also added that BNI's program is also expected to bring economic impact to the community around the beach.

“In addition, mangrove forests can be an income source for the community from fish, crab, shrimp and seaweed farming. As one of the KUR channeling banks, BNI can once again assist the community by providing government-subsidized loans,” concluded Nasim Khan.


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