
This is How BNI Celebrates Independence, Recognizing History in an Up-to-Date Way

Jakarta, 18 August 2019 --- Over time, the enthusiasm of the younger generation to commemorate and participate in perceiving the sacrifice of the heroes who have upheld the Independence of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) must continue to be encouraged. The method can be variative. Including those carried out by PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BNI). Collaborating with a social forum called KEJAR or Recognize Your History, Recognize Your Dream, BNI carries out the mission of introducing and reminding the long history of the Republic of Indonesia to children.

One of the series of KEJAR activities or Recognize Your History, Recognize Your Dream is carried out at Dukuh Atas Tunnel, close to the three most recent mass transportation facilities namely BNI Dukuh Atas Mass Rapid Transportation Station, BNI City Airport Train Station, and Sudirman Commuter Line Station, Jakarta, Sunday (August 18, 2019). The theme of this rail-based transportation facility was also raised by KEJAR as an inspirational memory of elementary school children who were present at the event to remember the nation’s history. Where the national railroad history is part of the struggle history to achieve and fill independence.

“Indonesia can have MRT currently because it is inseparable from the long national railway history. Through various train-based art installations this time, the children are invited to be motivated that nothing is impossible to achieve if it is carried out with an earnest struggle," said the Corporate Secretary of BNI, Meiliana in Jakarta on the same day.

BNI’s support to the series of KEJAR programs has helped to realize various education activities for children and millennials. The Education Program on KEJAR has been carried out in various elementary shools simultaneously began on 9 July to 9 August 2019. Then proceed with the making of creative locomotive art installations arranged using used bottles. The installation involving elementary school students in Jakarta was exhibited from 18 August 2019 to 25 August 2019 at Dukut Atas Tunnel.

Basic material of the Art Installation built among others to make this plastiv trash composition in line with BNI Go Green Campaign to to cultivate an environmental love lifestyle. The environmental love is taught by cultivating Trash Reuse (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle or 3R), energy efficiency, environmental care, and environmental love activities such as conservation of endangered animals and afforestation.

Other effort carried out by BNI in this event was the issuance of electronic money card or BNI TapCash KEJAR special edition. Where the spirit carried in BNI TapCash is the spirit of continuous innovation, namely innovation in the national payment system which is also a part of national history.

Anniversary Commemoration Series

Not only KEJAR, BNI also held various creative activities to enliven the celebration of the 74th Independence Proclamation of the Republic of Indonesia at BNI Head Office in Jakarta and at its area offices accompanied with various typical activities "Agustusan".

BNI also again participates in the Siswa Mengenal Nusantara (SMN) Program which was held under the directive of the Indonesian Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) each year. This year, BNI synergyzed with PT Pindad and PT Dirgantara Indonesia to organize the SMN Program in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. Simultaneously, the three SOEs facilitate students exchange from West Java and East Kalimantan to each other explore culture and nature in the respective region.

Through the BUMN Hadir Untuk Negeri (BHUN) Program, BNI, Pindad, and Dirgantara Indonesia also synergized to provide clean water aid at 6 points as well as performed houses renovation for 30 employees and community in East Kalimantan. In addition, BNI, Pindad, and Dirgantara Indonesia also as a whole provided 150 units of MCK facilities, electrification to 150 houses, as well as scholarship to 75 students.


For more information, please contact:

Corporate Secretary BNI

Phone: 021-5728387



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