
Ministry of Agriculture and Banking Collaboration, Maintaining Food Security in Bangka Belitung

Jakarta, 11 August 2020 --- Currently, the efforts to achieve national food security face serious challenges. To deal with the threat of the world food crisis due to COVID-19 pandemic, strong cooperation between various stakeholders is needed. This collaboration is manifested, among others, through a collaboration between the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) and PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BNI) with a focus on the formation of food storage.

Entering the dry season in the adaptation era to new habits, food availability becomes the focus of the government. Therefore, the agricultural sector must continue to be managed properly so that its productivity can increase.

Relentlessly, the Indonesian Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo always goes to site, ensuring the readiness of regions throughout the archipelago in managing and maintaining food security. This time, the work visit (kunker) of the Agriculture Minister was held in the Province of Bangka Belitung Islands. The aim of the work visit is to ensure that agriculture as a leading sector can maintain and increase its production, even in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic.

As a supporting partner in the national agricultural program, BNI supports a series of food security management activities held by the Ministry of Agriculture in South Bangka Regency and Bangka Regency through financing of its agricultural ecosystem. The agricultural sector is given massive financing for people's business credit (KUR). BNI also provides mentoring, training and development of the agricultural sector in a comprehensive manner.

The real manifestation of BNI's support in the agricultural sector is through the management of agricultural entrepreneurship, the activities of welcoming agriculture 4.0 (smartfarming), as well as the absorption of grain and other activities. This series of programs is BNI's commitment to support the government related to 'National Food Security' which is part of the National Economic Recovery (PEN) program.

One of BNI's support for the National Food Security program was manifested symbolically through the handover of KUR Tani BNI by the Minister of Agriculture to farmers in Bangka Belitung, last weekend as the realization of #BUMNbangkitkanUMKM program. The event was attended by the elements of off-taker, agricultural activists, local Muspida, and stakeholders involved and contributing to the agricultural sector. This activity focuses on developing the agricultural sector, especially land use and increasing yields.

Syahrul Yasin Limpo mentioned, government has high hopes for the agricultural sector as a sector that can still grow through Covid-19 Pandemic. The Minister of Agriculture is also optimistic that the agricultural sector will also be able to contribute to export activities.

This can be done with the support of all parties including the banking sector in distributing KUR to the agricultural sector. With low interest rates, easy terms, and payment methods through a simple scheme, KUR can provide benefits for farmers, especially to increase agricultural productivity. The hope is that from economies of scale, farmers can feel a greater opinion.  

“Government encourages that distribution of KUR can be maximized so that farmers all over the country can be prosperous from the farming that is being run," he continued.

Separately, the President Director of BNI, Herry Sidharta conveyed, during the pandemic, when almost all sectors are affected, the agricultural sector emerged victorious and continued to post positive growth including its export commodities. Therefore, BNI is increasingly active in contributing to the agricultural sector according to existing roles and responsibilities," he said.

The role of BNI is evident from the increasing number of KUR expansion in the agricultural sector, including during the pandemic. Especially for Bangka Belitung Province, KUR in the agricultural sector has been channeled as much as Rp. 20.9 billion to 168 debtors. Meanwhile nationally, from January to 31 July 2020, KUR in the agricultural sector BNI has distributed Rp 2.73 trillion to 86,992 debtors.

Herry also said that “BNI supports the growth of the agricultural sector, one of which is by accelerating the distribution of KUR in the agricultural sector.”

In addition to using clusters to all commodities of the agricultural sector, optimizing Agen46 to channel fertilizers, inviting start-ups for smartfarming, BNI also continues to innovate through digital financing, among others through BNI Move Agriculture application.

“BNI MOVE Agriculture is present to answer the needs and demands of the market, especially farmers (MSMEs) which are in line with the DigiKU and National Economic Recovery programs echoed by the government," concluded Herry.

BNI MOVE Agriculture is presented as a financing solution for the agricultural sector in order to support national food security as part of an economic recovery program that is able to drive the nodes of the country's economic growth. 


For more information, please contact:

Corporate Secretary BNI

Phone: 021-5728387



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