
BNI Applies Higher Education Financial Ecosystem at Usakti

BNI Applies Higher Education Financial Ecosystem at Usakti

Jakarta, 9 August 2021 -- PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or BNI applies an Integrated Higher Education Financial Ecosystem for Trisakti University (USAKTI). Therefore, USAKTI became the first private university to be a pilot for BNI Integrated Higher Education Financial Ecosystem. The Integrated Higher Education Financial Ecosystem is stated in the Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation Agreement between BNI and USAKTI which regulates the provision of complete banking services. These services include digitalization in management, transactions in the campus environment (parking, canteen, cooperatives and others) with cards. "We continue to focus on developing Institutional Business Solutions, where USAKTI is currently enjoying several services and has been running so far such as education payments through BNI mobile banking, Student ID Cards, Payroll payments, Virtual Accounts, Cash Management, and other digital solutions for the needs of the academic community that we are preparing," said BNI’s President Director, Royke Tumilaar in Jakarta, Monday (9 August 2021) when attending the kick-off event for the Higher Education Financial Ecosystem at USAKTI. 

BNI also provides BNI Flexi Pendidikan services which are provided to all customers who have BNI payroll and wish to continue their studies to a higher level, including employees of companies with BNI payroll. Of course, this facility can also be optimized for USAKTI postgraduate students who are expected to provide relief because it is specially designed with the Grace Period scheme. This scheme provides relief by only making interest payments within a certain period of time and can make principal payments starting in the second year or the following year. USAKTI masters/doctoral students can apply for BNI Flexi Pendidikan financing with a limit of up to Rp 500 million. Interestingly, they will get a special interest rate with reduced credit fees.

On this occasion, BNI also collaborated with USAKTI for the issuance of BNI-USAKTI Affinity Credit Card with a special card design. The plan is that for the 2022 academic year, the card can be used by the entire USAKTI academic community, including lecturers, employees, alumni, students, and even parents/guardians of students. Various benefits can be obtained by BNI-USAKTI Credit Card holders, including, among others, free annual fee for life with transaction conditions, installment payments for Education Fees with special interest and tenor, welcome cashback of 100% up to Rp. 500 thousand for the first transaction, BNI Rewards Points which can be exchanged for attractive promos. "In the near future, students will be able to pay tuition fees (BPP), with BNI Credit Card source of funds through EDC and Link Payment, then for the 2022 academic year they can also use BNI Credit Card through the BNI Mobile Banking channel," said Royke.

BNI hopes that the existing synergy and cooperation with USAKTI can be continuously improved in the future, one of which is by developing the Higher Education Financial Ecosystem that supports the transaction needs of the USAKTI Academic Community. Starting from Tapcash, debit, QRIS cards, payments using Student ID cards (combo debit cards, virtual ID, and QR), MSMEs with incubation digitization, entrepreneurship financing, student insurance, vendor financing, to student career development after graduation through recruitment programs, scholarships and certified internships. Certified internship program, for example, IT Internship (TECHSHIP) where students in the field of systems & information technology (IS/IT) will be directly involved in the implementation of IS/IT projects at BNI digitally collaboratively

BNI Digital Ambassador

In the all-digital era, BNI supports go digital campus, one of which is through BNI Digital Ambassador program, which is a program to find selected student at university to become BNI Brand Ambassador. This Digital Ambassador, among others, is in charge of socializing BNI Digital products and programs, one of which is BNI Mobile Banking both on campus and on social media. The criteria for becoming a Digital Ambassador are students who are active on campus and on social media. The first BNI Digital Ambassador will be chosen from Trisakti University students. "Previously, I want to say that this is a special moment because today is the first time we are socializing the Digital Ambassador Program, at the kick-off event of BNI's collaboration with Trisakti University. BNI as a bank that has the spirit to digitize Indonesia, continues to expand digital banking services and innovate to meet the digital transaction needs of the community, including the student segment," explained BNI’s Deputy President Director, Adi Sulistyowati, who is familiarly called Susi.

Susi said that the BNI Digital Ambassador program is one of the Company's efforts to get closer to students. BNI will select the best university student who is active on campus and on social media to spread the spirit of digitization, including the spirit to transact through BNI digital channels, because BNI services and products aim to provide easy transactions for customers, including students. "The hope is that the BNI Digital Ambassador Program can increase the enthusiasm of students to support the Cashless Society and produce national seeds that are ready to face digital challenges to support the country's economy. Of course, this Digital Ambassador Program can strengthen cooperation between BNI and Trisakti University. Later, this BNI Digital Ambassador will get many benefits, such as wider networking by meeting with other university students and professionals from BNI, getting certificates, training, rewards, and opportunities for internships at BNI," explained Susi. 

Currently, 1 BNI Digital Ambassador has been selected from a Trisakti University student named Rania Marchella, a Trisakti student from Business Economics Faculty, Department of Management. Rania said she was very happy to be chosen as a BNI Digital Ambassador. Before being selected as the BNI Digital Ambassador, Rania said that she had experienced the benefits and convenience of digitally transacting with BNI products, namely BNI Mobile Banking. "During this pandemic, we also study online, but our activities can still run well because buying credit and data packages, even paying for college can be done from home via BNI Mobile Banking. Then, if you want to buy take away food, you can also pay cash less, just use QRIS at BNI Mobile Banking. This trust makes me even more enthusiastic to spread the spirit and invite more friends on campus and off campus to support the Cashless Society movement," concluded Rania.

For more information, please contact:
BNI Corporate Secretary 
Phone: 021-5728387


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