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  • Info
  • Tariff

Is a credit facility for purchase of motor vehicle wheels 2 and 4 wheel with a guarantee of a motor vehicle which was financed

  1. Facilities
    • Minimum of 5 million and a maximum credit of Rp1 billion.

  2. Benefit
  3. Flexibility in the use of funds, for example to:
    • Purchase a new four-wheeled vehicle (all types / brands)
    • Purchase a new two-wheeled vehicle (only for the brand Yamaha, Honda and Suzuki).
    • Flexible, the maximum payment period of 5 (five) years or tailored to ability.
    • Flowers competitive and free propisi.

  4. Requirements
    • Indonesian citizen.
    • Income, years of service at least 2 years,
    • Minimum age 21 years and at age 55 credit is paid off.

  5. Requirements Document
  6. Document Types Jobholder Professional Employers / Entrepreneurs
    FC KTP (Husband Wife) X X X
    FC Family Card X X X
    FC Marriage Certificate X X X
    Personal TIN FC / SPT PPh 21 X X X
    Finally RECs FC 3 Month X X X
    Original Certificate of Employment & Salary X X
    FC Professional Practice Permits X
    FC Legality Business / Business License / Certificate of Enterprises (Certificate of Establishment / AD-ART, SIUP, TIN, SITU / SKDU & TDP) Company of Local Government. X
    Pas Foto 4x6 (applicant: Husband / Wife) X X X
    FC Document Security X X X
    Financial Statements X

** For the Greater Jakarta, Semarang, Yogyakarta and Surabaya submission BNI BNI Multifinance transferred to the OTO.

Biaya-biaya BNI Oto
Provisi Tidak Dikenakan (0%)
Biaya Administrasi
  • Jangka waktu s/d 3 tahun : Rp. 150.000,-
  • Jangka waktu > 3 s/d 5 tahun : Rp. 250.000,-
  • Jangka waktu s/d 3 tahun : Rp. 300.000,-
  • Jangka waktu > 3 s/d 5 tahun : Rp. 500.000,-