The Board of Commissioners

The Audit Committee

Asmawi Syam

CHAIRMAN : Asmawi Syam

Independent Commissioner

Indonesian Citizen. Born in 1955. Obtained a Bachelor’s degree (S1) in Economics from Hasanuddin University and Master degree (S2) Universitas Hasanuddin Padjadjaran University.

Appointed in the Annual GMS on 20 February 2020 as Independent Commissioner of BNI and obtained approval from the Financial Service Authority on 17 June 2020. On 20 July 2020 he was granted with special assignment as Chairman of the Audit Committee.

Previously, he worked at PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) with positions among others as Corporate Division Head of BRI (1995-1996), Regional Head of BRI Denpasar (1999-2001), Regional Head of BRI Bandung (2001-2003), Consumer Banking Division Head of BRI (2003-2005), General Business Division Head (2005-2007), Institutional Businesses and SOEs Director of BRI (2007-2015), President Director of BRI (2015-2017). In addition, he also served as President Director of PT Askrindo (Persero) (2017-2018), President Director of PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) (2018), Special Staff of SOE Minister, Ministry of SOEs (2019), Non-Independent President Commissioner of PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), Tbk (2019), and Independent Commissioner of PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk (2020-present).

Sigit Widyawan

MEMBER : Sigit Widyawan

Independent Commissioner

Indonesian Citizen. Born in 1965. Obtained a Bachelor’s degree (S1) in Economics from Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret, and a Master’s degree (S2) in Accounting from University of Indonesia.

Appointed in the Annual GMS on 20 February 2020 as Independent Commissioner of BNI and obtained approval from the Financial Service Authority on 17 June 2020. On 20 July 2020 he was granted with special assignment as member of the Audit Committee.

Previously he served as Taxation Section Head of Concrete Products Division of PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Division (1994-1997), Head of Finance Division of PT Wijaya Karya Beton (1997-2001), Finance Director of Roda Jati Group (2002-2013), Director of PT Roda Pembangunan Jaya (2003-2015), Independent Commissioner of PT Jasamarga (Persero), Tbk (2015-2018), and Independent Commissioner of PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk (2018-present).

Imam Sugema

MEMBER : Iman Sugema

Independent Commissioner

Indonesian Citizen. Born in 1964. Obtained a Bachelor’s degree (S1) in Agribusiness from Institut Pertanian Bogor, a Master’s degree (S2) in Economics from University of New England and Ph.D (S3) in Economics from Australian National University.

Appointed in the Annual GMS on 20 February 2020 as Independent Commissioner of BNI and obtained approval from the Financial Service Authority on 14 August 2020. On 08 September 2020 he was granted with special assignment as Member of the Audit Committee.

Previously served as Lector Head of Institut Pertanian Bogor (1990-present), President Commissioner/Independent Commissioner of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero), Tbk (2015-2016), Commissioner of PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), Tbk (2016-2019) and Independent Commissioner of PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk (2020-present).

Human Brillianto

MEMBER : Human Brillianto

Independent Party

Indonesian Citizen. Born in 1963. Obtained a Bachelor’s degree (S1) Economics from Universitas Krisnadwipayana and Master’s degree (S2) from Universitas Gajah Mada. Appointed as member of the Audit Committee since January 2021.

Previously worked at PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk with position including Head of Branch in several region (1993-2000), Middle Staf in Retail Business Division (2000-2002), Group Head of General Business Division (2002-2005), Senior Auditor Intern Audit (2005-2009), Group Head Intern Audit (2009-2018), dan Vice Inspector BRI Makassar (2018-2019).

Suhendi Muharam

MEMBER : Suhendi Muharam

Independent Party

Indonesian Citizen. Born in 1962. Obtained a Bachelor’s degree (S1) Industrial Engineering from Institut Teknologi Bandung and Master’s degree (S2) Master of Management from Universitas Gajah Mada. Appointed as member of the Audit Committee since July 2021.

Previously worked at Bank Niaga (Bank CIMB Niaga) for 27 year, which 14 year worked in Audit Sector. Position among other is Head of Operational in Buah Batu Branch, Audit Operasional Staf, Head of Policy and Administration Audit, Head of Audit Operasional Division, Head of Information and Technology System Audit, Information Security and System Group Head, System Operation and Assurance Group Head, Process Quality Improvement Group Head, Business Process Management Group Head, also involved in Niaga Bank and Lippo Bank Merger Project as a Method Head, and Replacement Core Banking System Project.

Code of Conduct of The Audit Committee and Charter of The Audit Committee