
BNI Supports Export (Go Global) Through Strengthening MSMEs, Upgrading with NIB

BNI Supports Export (Go Global) Through Strengthening MSMEs, Upgrading with NIB

Jakarta, 20 September 2022 -- PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. or BNI (stock code: BBNI) continues to strive to provide suitable banking solutions and mentoring for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) players.

BNI hopes that this segment of the backbone of the national economy will be able to upgrade the class and have the ability to become a business actor with global capacity.

In line with President Joko Widodo's instructions in facilitating MSMEs to upgrade the class through ease of doing business, the government encourages ease of registration for business permits through Online Single Submission (OSS).

BNI also synergizes with the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) to conduct socialization and guidance through webinars in an effort to accelerate registration of business permits.

On the occasion, the Deputy for Investment Services at the Ministry of Investment Achmad Rpus and BNI Institutional Banking Director Sis Apik Wijayanto were also present, Tuesday (20/9/2022).

Achmad Rpus expressed his appreciation to BNI for wanting to participate in initiating webinar activities and socializing the issuance of Business Registration Numbers (BRN) to business actors.

“Banking institutions are important variables or one of the stakeholders in national economic growth. I thank BNI and hope that it will continue to participate as one of the stakeholders of economic growth," explained Rpus.

Rpus said that 98% of the BRN issued through OSS was obtained by small and medium enterprises. This breaks the assumption that obtaining a business license is a complicated and time-consuming thing.

"Obviously this collaboration will further help MSME players. So far, the legality obtaining process is indeed complicated, so many in the end do not register to become a formal business," he added.

Sis Apik explained that BRN is an initial requirement for business actors to obtain other important documents such as Company Registration Certificates (TDP), Import Identification Numbers (API), and even customs access for business actors to carry out export/import activities.

"With more MSMEs having BRNs, we hope that micro-enterprises can upgrade the class faster because legality is now the basis for applying for business loans to banks," he added.

Sis Apik continued that BRN is also a basis for MSME players to join the SOE ecosystem or larger private companies. Then, micro business actors can also be integrated with empowerment programs to the People's Business Credit (KUR) program.

“This micro-enterprise is difficult to upgrade because there are no permits, no legality, so it is difficult for them to seek loans from financial institutions, and it is difficult for them to enter the larger BUMN or private ecosystem. I ask all Hi-Movers to prepare at least 50% related to business actors throughout Indonesia so that they already have BRNs," he explained.

Furthermore, Sis Apik said that the company has the BNI Xpora program for MSMEs to get support in the form of increasing production capacity and quality, education in the preparation of financial reports, as well as support for access to product marketing overseas through business matchmaking with buyers in the global market.

In addition, BNI Xpora is also supported by digital features to make it easier for MSMEs to take advantage of BNI's integrated services.

"We will continue to encourage our fostered MSMEs to be able to take advantage of the global market through the use of BNI branch office network at home and overseas. In this way, MSMEs are expected to be able to become a buffer for the nation's national economic growth," he concluded.


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