
BNI Exporters Forum Helps MSMEs Penetrating the American Market

BNI Exporters Forum Helps MSMEs Penetrating the American Market

19/03/2024. PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or BNI consistently encourages MSMEs to go global and increase foreign exchange.

The Company continues to strengthen the capabilities of its fostered MSMEs to become more competitive in penetrating the global market.

Through BNI Xpora, the company collaborates with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in this case the Consulate General of New York to organize the BNI Exporters Forum with the theme Road to New York Shoppe Object 2024, on March 16, 2024 at BNI Corporate University, Slipi, Jakarta.

New York Shoppe Object is one of the largest B2B craft trade shows in North America with an estimated 10,000 visitors and 700 exhibitors, which can help MSMEs to expand their market.

BNI Retail Banking Director Corina Leyla Karnalies emphasized that MSMEs serve as the backbone of the Indonesian economy and have enormous potential in optimizing the global market.

Therefore, the company proactively increases the capacity and capability of MSME businesses by collaborating with various parties.

“By organizing this event, we hope it will be a solution to one of the pain points of MSME players in running their business related to expanding market access abroad,” she said.

Corina continued that BNI Exporters Forum aims to prepare MSMEs to participate in the Shoppe Object which will be held in New York. The event was attended by around 30 BNI Partner MSMEs who are ready to expand their market and penetrate the American market.

A number of MSME products will be selected through a curation process in this activity to be included in the New York Shoppe Object 2024 event.

Corina explained that the BNI Exporters Forum brought in a curator, Jennifer Isaacson, from New York as a resource person, so that the MSME players present had the opportunity to obtain the latest information on export market prospects and regulations in America.

In addition, curators from New York will participate in providing assistance to selected MSMEs until August 2024 so that their products can compete in the American market.

"MSMEs participating in this event come from the small and medium segments that are ready to export from various types of products in the categories of fashion, accessories, handicrafts, home decor, and furniture," she concluded.


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