
SOEs Synergy, BNI Prepares Payroll Facility For BKI

Jakarta, 28 May 2019 --- Now, PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BNI) provides payroll facility or salary payment for employees of PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero) (BKI). The cooperation is in line with the spirit of SOEs Synergy which is echoed by the Indonesian Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN).

The collaboration between the two SOEs was marked by the signing of a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between the Consumer Sales Division Head of BNI, Hermita and the Finance Director of BKI, Bandung Pardede in Jakarta, Tuesday (28 May 2019).

Hermita said that BNI Payroll is an entry point of the cooperation for other banking products such as Kredit Tanpa Agunan (KTA) or BNI Fleksi, Kredit Kepemilikan RUmah (KPR) or BNI Griya, Life Insurance from BNI Life, and so forth. By channeling salaries through BNI, of course, BKI employees will get easier access and approval for consumer banking products from BNI.

“The use of BNI Payroll has recorded a quite good growth. As of April 2019, the number of BNI Payroll accounts has reached 2,836,408 accounts or grew by 17% from the number of accounts as of April 2018 of 2,417,852 accounts. The growth in the number of accounts is in line with the growth of BNI Flexi or BNI Loans Without Collateral by 26%, from Rp 15.16 billion in April 2018 to Rp 19.12 billion in April 2019," Hermita said.

By distributing its payroll through BNI, BKI employees will receive BNI Debit Card. BNI Debit Card can be used to transact at BNI ATM machines and EDC machines. In addition, BKI employees also can access digital and cashless banking services through BNI Mobile Banking, BNI Internet Banking, and BNI SMS Banking. 


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