
Collaborating with Koni, BNI Launches TapCash Sports Edition

Collaborating with Koni, BNI Launches TapCash Sports Edition

Jakarta, Wednesday, 13 October 2021 -- PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BNI) consistently supports sports achievements in the country. One tangible manifestation of BNI's consistent support is launching a special edition of TapCash at the moment of the 20th National Sports Week (PON) which was held in Papua. 

In its launch, BNI collaborated with the Central Koni which had appointed SPORTLINK to carry out the collaboration. The launch of the sports design TapCash is a form of BNI's support for the advancement of sports in Indonesia and an effort to enliven the 20th PON activities in Papua.

In Jakarta, Thursday (14 October 2021), BNI’s Deputy President Director, Adi Sulistyowati, who is familiarly called Susi, said that the PON event is expected to be successful and become a momentum for the revival of the Indonesian nation from the impact of the pandemic. The same hope and enthusiasm is also carried out from the launch of this sports edition of BNI TapCash, so that it can further excite the world of sports in the country.

"The sports edition of BNI TapCash is specially designed in accordance with the sports branches in Koni as the parent sports organization in Indonesia. For the first stage, a design for 6 sports was published, namely: Badminton, Volleyball, Baseball, Boxing, Tennis and Football. Currently, the sports edition of TapCash BNI can be obtained through various e-commerce such as Tokopedia, Shopee and Dinomarket," said Susi.

The Sportlink CEO, Bambang Asmarabudi hopes that the sports edition of BNI TapCash is widely distributed in the community, so that the public can easily have it. The more people who have these products, it means that the people are contributing to the progress of sports in Indonesia.

The General Chairman of Central Koni, Lt. Gen. Retired TNI Marciano Norman greatly appreciated the launch of the Sports Edition of BNI Tapcash. He hopes that the community will soon have it as an embodiment of support for the achievements and welfare of Indonesian athletes.

For more information, please contact:
BNI Corporate Secretary 
Phone: 021-5728387



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