
BNI Yielded Rp 4,37 Trillion Net Profit

Jakarta, 22 Juli 2016 - Pada Kuartal II 2016, PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (IDX: BBNI) mencatat laba bersih sebesar Rp 4,37 triliun atau tumbuh 79,9% dibandingkan laba yang diraih pada periode yang sama tahun 2015. Kenaikan laba bersih ini ditopang antara lain oleh kinerja fungsi intermediasi BNI yang tetap solid dalam menyalurkan kredit, meskipun pada suku bunga kredit segmen kecil telah diturunkan secara selektif sejak awal April 2016, serta kondisi perekonomian nasional yang melambat.

Pertumbuhan laba BNI tersebut disokon g oleh kontribusi Pendapatan Bunga Bersih (NII) yang naik 11,7% year on year (YOY) dari Rp 12,45 triliun menjadi Rp 13,91 triliun, serta kenaikan Pendapatan Non-Bunga 28,7% YOY dari Rp 3,44 triliun menjadi Rp 4,43 triliun. NII tumbuh berkat realisasi penyaluran kredit BNI hingga akhir Juni 2016 yang tumbuh moderat sebesar 23,7% YOY dari Rp 288,72 triliun menjadi Rp 357,22 triliun.

Demikian disampaikan pada Konferensi Pers Paparan Kinerja Keuangan BNI Kuartal II 2016 di Jakarta, Jumat (22 Juli 2016). Hadir pada kesempatan tersebut Direktur Utama BNI Achmad Baiquni dan seluruh jajaran Direksi BNI.

Achmad Baiquni mengungkapkan, kinerja penyaluran kredit BNI menunjukkan kualitas fungsi intermediasi perseroan yang semakin meningkat karena ditengah kecenderungan menurunnya suku bunga, BNI tetap dapat mendorong kredit sekaligus mencetak Net Interest Margin (NIM) di atas 6%. Hal ini didorong oleh kemampuan BNI dalam menurunkan Cost of Funds dari 3,2% pada Juni 2015 menjadi 3,1% pada Juni 2016. Cost of Funds tetap mengalami perbaikan karena penurunan suku bunga dana deposito pada umumnya. Hal ini terjadi di sepanjang Semester I tahun 2016.

Pertumbuhan kredit yang signifikan didominasi oleh kredit Business Banking (produktif) sebesar 25,6% YOY, sehingga menjadikan kontribusinya terhadap total kredit BNI berada pada level 73,0%. Secara keseluruhan kredit segmen Business Banking hingga akhir Juni 2016 tercatat Rp 260,79 triliun, dibanding posisi Juni 2015 yang terbuku Rp 207,58 triliun. Kredit Business Banking tersalurkan ke segmen Korporasi (25,1% dari total portofolio Kredit BNI), BUMN (18,2%), Menengah (16,3%), dan Kecil (13,4%).

Pertumbuhan signifikan terjadi pada penyaluran Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) yang termasuk ke dalam segmen Kredit Kecil BNI. Penyaluran KUR pada Kuartal II 2016 meningkat Rp 7,3 triliun atau tumbuh 331% dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun 2015.

(dalam Rp triliun, kecuali Laba per Saham)

INDIKATOR NERACA 1H2015 1H2016 +/- (%)
Total Aset 430,97 539,14 25,1
Kredit 288,72 357,22 23,7
Dana Pihak Ketiga 327,26 391,49 19,6
Obligasi Pemerintah 43,96 61,05 38,9
Ekuitas 61,06 83,13 36,1

Posisi total aset BNI per Juni 2016 mencapai Rp 539,14 triliun tumbuh 25,1% YOY dibanding posisi Juni 2015. Pertumbuhan aset ini terutama ditopang oleh pertumbuhan Dana Pihak Ketiga (DPK) yang naik 19,6% YOY dan pertumbuhan Deposit from other Banks yang naik 28,6% YOY.

“Sebagaimana diketahui bahwa pada Kuartal II tahun 2016 ini kami menerbitkan NCD dan berhasil meraih dana sekitar Rp 3 triliun,” ujar Baiquni.

(Rp triliun)

INDIKATOR NERACA 1H2015 1H2016 +/- (%)
Total Aset 430,97 539,14 25,1
Kredit 288,72 357,22 23,7
Dana Pihak Ketiga 327,26 391,49 19,6
Obligasi Pemerintah 43,96 61,05 38,9
Ekuitas 61,06 83,13 36,1

Dari total DPK tersebut komposisinya masih didominasi komponen dana murah (current account saving account/ CASA) sebesar 60,4%. Kualitas aset kredit masih menjadi isu utama sampai dengan Juni 2016. BNI menaikkan Coverage Ratio dari 138,8% pada Kuartal II 2015 menjadi 142,8% pada Kuartal II 2016.
Mempertahankan kualitas aset pada periode Semester I 2016 merupakan tantangan tersendiri bagi perbankan nasional di tengah pelemahan rupiah dan harga komoditas, serta menurunnya demand akibat pertumbuhan Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) nasional pada Kuartal I 2016 yang dibawah perkiraan banyak analis dan ekonom.

Realisasi PDB Kuartal I 2016 sebesar 4,92% (dibanding target 5,13%). Rendahnya pertumbuhan ekonomi ini terutama disebabkan oleh rendahnya Permintaan Domestik baik dari Konsumsi Private Consumption maupun Government Spending, serta masih lemahnya aktivitas ekspor.

Pertumbuhan DPK dan Kredit tersebut tidak terlepas dari upaya BNI untuk terus meningkatkan kualitas layanan. Dalam hal ini BNI menyediakan 1.871 outlet di seluruh Indonesia, belum termasuk 6 kantor perwakilan di luar negeri.

Selain itu, BNI juga menyiapkan 16.279 ATM yang mendukung layanan electronic banking (e-banking) BNI, termasuk di Hong Kong dan Singapura, selain SMS Banking dan Internet Banking. BNI juga terus mengembangkan jaringan melalui program Laku Pandai, yaitu dengan merekrut agen-agen BNI46 yang saat ini mencapai 11.000 agen di seluruh Indonesia. Agen-agen BNI46 ini mendukung program peningkatan literasi dan inklusi jasa keuangan di kawasan yang belum terlayani secara maksimal yang diprogramkan oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK).

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, dapat menghubungi:
Kiryanto, Corporate Secretary BNI
Telp: 021-5728387, Email:

Jakarta, July 22, 2016 - In the second quarter of 2016, PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (IDX: BBNI) recorded a net profit of Rp 4,37 trillion, an increase by 79,9% compared to net profit obtained from the same period in 2015. The net profit increase resulted from BNI's intermediary function productivity, which remain solid in loan disbursement, despite selective lowering of small credit segment interest rates since the beginning of April 2016, as well as slowing national economic condition.

BNI profit growth resulted from the contribution of Net Interest Income (NII), which rose by 11.7% year on year (YOY) from Rp 12.45 trillion to Rp 13.91 trillion. Additionally, Non-interest Income rose 28.7% YOY from Rp 3.44 trillion to Rp 4.43 trillion. The growth was credited to BNI loan disbursement up to the end of June 2016, which rose moderately 23.7% YOY from Rp 288.72 trillion to Rp 357.22 trillion.

The data was delivered during BNI Financial Performance Briefing Second Quarter 2016 Press Conference in Jakarta, Friday (July 22, 2016). BNI President Director Achmad Baiquni and all members of BNI Board of Directors were in attendance.

Achmad Baiquni explained that BNI loan disbursement performance showed increasing quality of intermediary functions primarily due to BNI’s consistency in pushing loans in the midst of downward trend of interest rate, as well as getting Net Interest Margin to stand above 6%. This was also due to BNI's ability in reducing Cost of Funds from 3.2% on June 2016 to 3.1% on June 2016. Cost of Funds continues to improve due to the general decrease of savings interest rates. The trend occured throughout the first half of 2016.

Business Banking (productive) loan dominated the significant loan growth at 25.6% YOY, which contributed to the total loan of BNI at 73.0%. As a whole, Business Banking loan segment is recorded at Rp 260.79 trillion up to the end of June 2016, in comparison with Rp 207.58 trillion in June 2015 of. Business Banking loan was disbursed to Corporation segment (25,1% of the total BNI Credit Portfolio), SOE (18,2%), Medium segment (16,3%), and Small segment (13,4%).

Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) disbursement also experienced significant growth, included in the BNI Small Loan segment. KUR disbursement in the second quarter of 2016 rose by Rp 7.3 trillion or by 331% in comparison to the same period in 2015. The above conditions made KUR composition as a loan with received guarantee from the government rose from 5.6% to 19.9% against BNI Small Loan portfolio.

The disbursement of BNI loans throughout the first half of 2016 also reflected an increase in State Owned Enterprises. Loan disbursement to SOE rose 28.6& YOY to Rp 65.02 trillion. The results showed synergy between SOEs, which became BNI's business focus.

Various breakthroughs by BNI have pushed the growth of medium loan segment for 34.6% to Rp 58.33 trillion. On the Medium loan segment, BNI recorded more than 230 new debtors, and disbursing new loans to more than 400 existing debtors.

“BNI loan growth, especially Small loans, was facilitated through outlet optimization, performed by increasing channel distribution outlet with loan authorization since the beginning of second half of 2015,” explained Baiquni.

Business Banking loan growth was also credited to BNI's role in government infrastructure and project financing. The financing of government infrastructure project dominated government project financing, which stood at 29% of the total Business Banking financing. The total growth of infrastructure financing stood at 23.9% YOY, dominated by construction and toll roads, transportation, telecommunication, and electricity growths.

“Generally, loans were authorized for SOEs and private sectors involved in state owned projects. This reflected the continual synergy between SOEs to support governmental projects," added Baiquni.

Meanwhile, BNI consumer loan contributed 17.1% to BNI total loans, amounting to Rp 60.97 trillion, an increase compared to the second quarter of 2016 or Rp 53.49 trillion. Consumer products dominating loans are BNI Griya (58.3% or the total consumer loan), followed by credit card (16.5%). Significant growth occured in BNI Fleksi loan disbursement, which caused the product composition to rise to 10.9% in the second quarter of 2016.

(in Rp trillion, except profit per share)

Profit-Loss Indicator 1H2015 1H2016 +/- (%)
Net Interest Income 12,45 13,91 11,7
Non-Interest Income 3,44 4,43 28,7
Operational Cost (7,85) (8,78) 11,8
Profit before Provision of Loan Losses 9,09 10,24 12,6
Provision of Loan Losses (5,99) (4,73) -21,1
Profit before Tax 3,10 5,50 77,4
Net Profit 2,43 4,37 79,9
Profit per Share (in Rp) 130 234 79,9


BNI total asset position as per June 2016 is Rp 539.14 trillion, rose by 25.1% YOY in comparison with June 2015. The growth of asset was mainly supported by Third Party Fund growth which rose by 19.6% YOY, and the growth of Deposit from other Banks, which rose by 28.6% YOY.

“As previously known, on the second quarter of 2016, we issued NCD and managed to raise funds of Rp 3 trillion," said Baiquni.

(Rp trillion)

Balance Indicator 1H2015 1H2016 +/- (%)
Total Asset 430,97 539,14 25,1
Credit 288,72 357,22 23,7
Third Party Funds 327,26 391,49 19,6
Government Bond 43,96 61,05 38,9
Equity 61,06 83,13 36,1

From the total Third Party Funds, the composition is still dominated by current account savings account (CASA) consisting of 60.4%. Loan asset quality is still the main issue up to June 2016. BNI raised Coverage Ratio from 138.8% on second quarter of 2015 to 142.8% on the second quarter of 2016.

Maintaining the quality of asset on the first half of 2016 is a challenge in itself for the national banking industry in the midst of weakening rupiah and commodity prices, as well as decrease of demand due to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on the first quarter of 2016 was lower than analyst and economist predicted.

Realization of GDP in the first quarter of 2016 was 4.92% (in comparison with target of 5.13%). The slow economic growth was mainly due to the low domestic demand from Private Consumption as well as Government Spending, and weak export activity.

The growth of GDP and loan are not impartial from BNI's effort to continue to increase service quality. In this case, BNI provided 1,871 outlets throughout Indonesia, not including 6 branches abroad.

Additionally, BNI also provided 16,279 ATMs which support electronic banking (e-banking), including in Hong Kong and Singapore, on top of SMS Banking and Internet Banking. BNI also continues to develop its network through the Laku Pandai program, by recruiting BNI46 agents, which is now having a total of 11,000 agents throughout the country. BNI46 agents are supporting the increase of financial literacy and inclusion in the regions that are yet to have maximum financial service, a program which was initiated by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK).

For futher information, please contact :

Kiryanto, BNI Corporate Secretary
Phone : 021-5728387, Email :


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