
SSMS Obtains BNI Support

PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk atau BNI memberikan dukungan dengan mengucurkan kredit senilai Rp 6 triliun kepada PT Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk atau SSMS. Perjanjian kerja sama kredit ini menjadi salah satu penopang rencana Manajemen SSMS pada tahun 2017 untuk memantapkan komitmen dalam mengembangkan usaha perkebunannya. Emiten perkebunan sawit yang membentangkan lahan bisnisnya di Kalimantan Tengah ini akan terus konsisten membidik peluang-peluang pengembangan luas areal tanamnya. Tak hanya itu, SSMS juga akan terus mengembangkan usahanya, antara lain dengan membangun lebih banyak pabrik kelapa sawit.

“Dukungan BNI ini merupakan bentuk kepercayaan yang sangat berarti sekali buat PT Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk. Dukungan finansial BNI ini menjadikan kami semakin optimis dalam mengembangkan bisnis,” kata Direktur Keuangan SSMS, Nicholas Justin Whittle kepada wartawan di Jakarta, kemarin.

Untuk melengkapi fasilitas yang telah ada BNI turut memberikan dukungan dalam meningkatkan efektifitas transaksi keuangan SSMS, sebagai salah satu pengembang perkebunan kelapa sawit dan produk-produk turunannya, antara lain layanan cash management. Layanan cash management ini melengkapi dukungan lainnya yang sudah diberikan BNI sebelumnya.

Penandatanganan Nota Kesepahaman antara BNI dengan SSMS Tentang Penggunaan Jasa dan Produk Perbankan ini dilaksanakan di Jakarta, Jumat (13 Januari 2016). Hadir pada kesempatan tersebut Direktur Keuangan dan Risiko Kredit BNI Rico Rizal Budidarmo dan pendiri SSMS Group Abdul Rasyid Akhmad Saleh. Hadir juga pada kesempatan tersebut Direktur Utama SSMS Vallauthan Subraminam dan Direktur Keuangan SSMS Nicholas Justin Whittle.

Herry menuturkan, nota kesepahaman ini dilaksanakan dengan prinsip saling menguntungkan. Bidang-bidang kerja samanya antara lain penyimpanan dan pengelolaan dana dalam bentuk produk-produk perbankan yang disiapkan BNI, penggunaan fasilitas Integrated Cash Management antara lain BNI Direct hingga BNI e-tax, serta layanan corporate card dan individual card.

Perkebunan kelapa sawit merupakan subsektor pertanian yang prospektif, dimana Indonesia dan Malaysia berkontribusi 86% dari pasokan seluruh minyak sawit dunia. Permintaan terhadap minyak sawit juga berpotensi terus meningkat karena minyak sawit mentah (CPO) digunakan sebagai bahan baku biodiesel. Mandatory konversi minyak fosil ke minyak nabati di US, Afrika dan Indonesia akan meningkatkan permintaan CPO. Kelapa sawit juga paling efisien dan produktif dibanding minyak nabati lainnya.

Direktur Utama SSMS, Vallauthan Subraminam mengatakan, Perseroan ingin terus menambah luas lahan perkebunan sawit dari seluruh areal lahan yang saat ini mencapai hampir 100.000 hektar. “Kami akan terus mencari peluang untuk meningkatkan dan mengembangkan area cadangan lahan dan area tertanam,” kata Vallauthan. Ditambahkannya, sebagian besar tanaman kelapa sawit yang dimiliki Perseroan sudah akan memasuki tahun puncak produksi. “Kami selalu optimis bahwa profil tanaman yang kami miliki akan mendukung peningkatan produksi TBS untuk beberapa tahun ke depan,” katanya, seraya menambahkan bahwa tahun 2017 ini Perseroan juga berharap sudah bisa mulai membangun dua lagi pabrik kelapa sawit (PKS) di Kalteng.

Perseroan, menurut Vallauthan, akan terus melanjutkan rencana-rencana penanaman baru di atas lahan yang telah dimiliki. Bahkan, SSMS tahun 2017 ini telah menyiapkan belanja modal (capital expenditure/ capex) sebesar Rp 350 miliar yang akan digunakan untuk mewujudkan rencana penanaman baru tersebut. Selain untuk mendanai penanaman baru, capex sebesar itu juga akan dimanfaatkan untuk membiayai kebutuhan dana mengembangkan infrastruktur pabrik kelapa sawit (PKS).

Dijelaskan oleh Vallauthan Subraminam, SSMS sudah memantapkan rencana pengembangan lahan kebun seluas 13.000 hingga 15.000 hektar dalam tiga tahun ke depan. “Biayanya sekitar USD 6000 per hektar. Merupakan cost of maturity,” katanya seraya menambahkan bahwa akuisisi tersebut akan dilakukan sepanjang memenuhi kondisi yang baik, mulai dari aspek lingkungan, kualitas, dan perizinan.

SSMS sendiri, menurut dia, telah memasang target peningkatan produktivitas yang signifikan tapi tetap realistis dalam 3 tahun ke depan. Dalam tahun 2017 ini saja, misalnya, Perseroan telah mematok target peningkatan produktivitas hingga mencapai rata-rata 22 ton per hektar, naik 2 ton per hektar dibanding tahun 2016 lalu. “Yang jelas, penambahan lahan akan terus dilakukan, tentunya dengan target peningkatan produktivitas. Sebab, usia tanam kita beda-beda. Mulai dari tanaman sawit 2006 sampai 2016 masih ditanam. Tapi ada dua kebun kita sekarang yang sudah mencapai 28-30 ton per hektar,” ujar Vallauthan.

Ia juga optimis, dengan harga crude palm oil (CPO) yang terus membaik di tengah iklim yang juga telah “bersahabat” dengan binis sawit, kinerja Perseroan akan ikut semakin baik. “Fundamental bisnis kami sudah kokoh. Karena itu, kami sangat optimis, ke depan nanti SSMS akan berkembang menjadi salah satu perusahaan perkebunan sawit yang akan sangat diperhitungkan,” ujar Vallauthan.

Menurut dia, harga CPO tahun ini hampir pasti akan tetap pada kisaran yang positif. Kebutuhan CPO dari negara-negara di kawasan Asia, khususnya Cina dan India, diprediksi akan meningkat, seiring dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan dari industri-industri oleokimia dan biodiesel.

Saat ini, Perseroan mengoperasikan 6 unit pabrik kelapa sawit, masing-masing di daerah Sulung, Natai Raya, Suayap, Selangkun, Malata dan Nanga Kiu yang secara rata-rata memiliki kapasitas produksi minyak sawit mentah sebesar 1.800 metrik ton per hari, dengan utilisasi tak kurang dari 60 persen.

Luas lahan sawit Perseroan di Kalimantan Tengah per September 2016 mencapai 95.770 hektar dengan lahan tertanam per September 2016 lalu mencapai 68.479 hektar.

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Corporate Secretary BNI
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Arie Pardosi,
Investor Relations
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SSMS Confirms the Commitment on Palm Oil Plantation Development and Management

Jakarta, 15 January 2017 - PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or BNI provides support by disbursing credit worth Rp 6 trillion to PT Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk or SSMS. This credit cooperation becomes one pillar of SSMS Management plan in 2017 to establish commitment in developing its plantation business. This palm plantation which expands its business field in Central Kalimantan will continue to be consistent in targeting opportunities to develop its planting acreage. It is not only that, SSMS will also continue to develop its business, among other things by constructing more palm oil factories.

“This BNI support is a significant confidence boost for PT Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk. BNI financial support makes us more optimistic in developing business,” said the Finance Director of SSMS, Nicholas Justin Whittle to reporters in Jakarta, yesterday.

To complete the existing facilities, BNI participates in providing support in increasing the financial transaction effectiveness of SSMS, as one developer of palm oil plantation and derivative products, such as cash management service. This cash management service completes other supports BNI has already provided previously.

The signing of Memorandum of Understanding between BNI and SSMS regarding The Use of Banking Service and Product was held in Jakarta, Friday (13 January 2016). Present on that occasion were Finance Director and Credit Risk of BNI Rico Rizal Budidarmo and the founder of SSMS Group Abdul Rasyid Akhmad Saleh. Also present on that occasion were the SSMS President Director Vallauthan Subraminam and the Finance Director Nicholas Justin Whittle.

Herry conveyed, this Memorandum of Understanding is performed under mutual benefit principle. The cooperation fields are fund deposit and management in the form of banking products prepared by BNI, the use of Integrated Cash Management facility among other things BNI Direct up to BNI e-tax, as well as corporate card and individual card services.

Palm oil plantation is a prospective agricultural sector, which Indonesia and Malaysia contribute 86% from the world’s entire supply of palm oil. Palm oil demand also has the potential to increase as Crude Palm Oil (CPO) is used as bio-diesel raw material. Mandatory conversion from fossil oil to vegetable oil in US, Africa and Indonesia will increase the CPO demand. Palm oil is also the most efficient and productive material compared to other vegetable oils. 

The SSMS President Director, Vallauthan Subraminam said, the Company wants to expand palm oil land area of the total land area which currently reaches almost 100,000 hectares. “We will continue to find opportunity to increase and develop land reserve area and planted area,” said Vallauthan. He also said that mostly of the palm oil plants owned by the Company will have already entered the peak years of production. “We always optimistic that our plant profile will support the increase of TBS production for the next several years,” he conveyed, while adding that in this 2017 the Company is also hoping ready to constructing to more palm oil factories (PKS) in Central Kalimantan.

The Company, according to Vallauthan, will continue with plans of new planting on the land has been owned. In fact, SSMS in 2017 has prepared capital expenditure/ capex in the amount of Rp 350 billion which will be used to realize such plan of new planting. In addition to finance new planting, that amount of capital expenditure will also be used to finance funding requirement to develop palm oil factory (PKS) infrastructures.

Vallauthan Subraminam explained that SSMS has established plan to develop plantation land of 13,000 up to 15,000 hectares within the next three years. “The cost is approximately USD 6000 per hectare. It is the cost of maturity,” he conveyed, while adding that acquisition will be conducted as long as fulfills good condition, which includes the aspects of environment, quality and licensing.

SSMS itself, according to him, has targeted a significant productivity increase but still realistic within the next 3 years. In this 2017, for example, Company has targeted productivity increase up to the average of 22 tons per hectare, rose 2 tons per hectare compared to the past 2016. “To be sure, land acquisition will continue to be done, certainly with target of productivity increase, as we have varied planting ages. Started from 2006 until 2016 oil crops are still grown. But we have two plantations which now have reached 28-30 tons per hectare,” said Vallauthan.

He is also optimistic, with the better price of crude palm oil (CPO) in the amid of climate which also has been “friendly” to palm oil business, Company’s performance will also get better. “Our business foundation is solid, therefore we are very optimistic, that in the future SSMS will develop to be one of the palm oil companies which will be greatly taken into account,” Vallauthan conveyed.

According to him, the CPO price this year will almost certainly in the positive range. The need of CPO of the countries in Asia region, particularly China and India, is predicted to rise, in line with the increase of the need of oleo-chemical and bio-diesel industries.

Currently, Company operates 6 units of palm oil factories, respectively in Sulung, Natai Raya, Suayap, Selangkun, Malata and Nanga Kiu areas which averagely has crude palm oil production capacity of 1,800 matric tons per day, with utility not less than 60 percent.

The Company’s palm oil covering area in Central Kalimantan as per September 2016 reached 95,770 hectares with planted area as per the past September 2016 reached 68,479 hectares.

For more information, you can call :

Corporate Secretary BNI
Tel : 021-5728387,
Email :

Arie Pardosi,
Investor Relations
Tel : 021-29035401
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