
Implementing Green Banking Strategy, BBNI Quickly Captures Market Opportunities

Implementing Green Banking Strategy, BBNI Quickly Captures Market Opportunities

Jakarta, 1 August 2022 -- Strategy of PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. or BNI, which focuses on developing green banking and transaction banking, is considered to have a positive impact on the company's business. Issuers with stock code BBNI are alert in capturing market opportunities so as to encourage continued appreciation of capital market investors.

Capital market analysis also assesses that the positive performance recorded during the first semester of 2022 will make BBNI's stock movement greener.

Pilarmas Investindo Associate Director, Maximilianus Nicodemus said that green financing and the matters related to a sustainable economy are currently the concern of several major banks around the world.

BNI's strategy to develop green banking is also the right step. Moreover, this banking issuer has succeeded in capturing the changes that are happening in the world and is trying to become a leading company in green financial services.

“Who is able to be aware of changes in the market, will be the leader there. BBNI certainly sees this as a new opportunity that they can develop,” said Maximilianus.

He also estimates that the positive performance recorded by BNI and other banks will have a positive impact on stock movements. Profit recorded by BNI is a positive sentiment, where positive sentiment tends to affect stock prices.  

It is known that in the first semester of 2022, BNI posted a net profit of Rp. 8.8 trillion or grew by 75.1 percent compared to the same period last year.

BNI's net interest margin (NIM) is in the 4.7% range, and is supported by the high achievement of non-interest income which in the first semester of 2022 reached Rp 7.6 trillion, up 11.0% year on year/yoy. In terms of financing, BNI has disbursed loans of Rp620.42 trillion, up 8.9% YoY.

In the meantime, the Associate Director Chief of Research at PT Financial Focus, Janson Nasrial assessed that BNI's strategy to encourage green banking and transaction banking is one of BBNI's strategies in diversifying sources of financing, especially the corporate segment, considering that in this sector BNI competes with 4 other big banks.

"BBNI has the lowest Price to Book Value (PBV) among the other 4 big banks, so if the turnaround proves to be good, the potential return could be good," said Janson.

BNI Finance Director, Novita Widya Anggraini said BBNI's share price closed at Rp 7,850 on June 30, 2022, an increase of 69.5% compared to the previous year. With a market capitalization of Rp146.4 trillion, BBNI remains the top choice for investors.

Apart from achieving positive and solid performance in the first half of 2022, several points can be a supporting note for BNI investors, namely: First, the Company is a leading financial business entity in carrying out digital transformation to prepare business foundations for the future.

BNI also carried out a comprehensive corporate transformation into a bank that focuses on profitability. Then, BNI has an attractive valuation, because it does not reflect the actual fundamental conditions. In terms of transformation, the company continues to carry out aspects of strengthening capital, digitizing, and improving asset quality.

“In the long term, this transformation effort is directed at bringing BNI to be a bank with high profitability in the industry. BNI also remains worthy of continuing to be an investment collection because in terms of valuation, BNI's Price to Book Value (PBV) ratio is still in the range of 1.2x, not reflecting actual fundamental conditions," he said.


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